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16 Feb

The Process

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She remains there in the form of unformed. To be born in formal, material form, it can only after an attempt to recreate the swarming in the brain musical ideas on a musical instrument, computer, voice, notes or other means. In this happens, turn on the reverse relationship and the terms of the brain – the melody – the brain "is closed, the vague outlines of the music-guessing come to light. Music is no longer just the emotions, becomes a reality and can be evaluated, analyzed and improved has a bunch of "Emotions – logical thinking." The ability to turn their emotions in a beautiful melody – a distinctive characteristic of the composer in my opinion, this very moment – the ability to turn their emotions into a beautiful melody in the sound – is a distinctive characteristic of the composer's really new music. Born to music, or at least its foundation – the melodic idea – an urgent need to "catch", is now born to write music, or at least its basis – the melodic idea – an urgent need to "catch", recorded on a tape recorder, synthesizer, computer, notes on paper, remember the brain, repeated many times in a row. If this is done, it can be congratulated on his birthday music. As I do it, read the section 'My new song', subsection 'about how life and love reflected in the new songs and music of my site.

Melody will be improved, then she will arrange to evolve: to improve, remodel, subject to the arrangement, assessment and reassessment. But most importantly, started to make fundamental – the emotions turned into sound. When writing poems emotions turn into a beautiful, original sequence words on the same lines are created and poetry. The difference lies in the fact that emotions are not transformed into a melody, not music, but in a nice, coherent and original sequence of words that differ by the presence of rhyme. When writing songs lyrics and melody to merge when you write songs lyrics and melody to merge, for which at least someone is one of the tandem "songwriter – poet (and preferably both) to try to get a feel for play in your mind the feelings that the other author and served as the basis for creating the product, compare, compare them with its own, to find common and different features, and then be able to creatively supplement, developed to give new money is now a common creature – a new song. We have sometimes phenomenal, wonderful, wonderful, incredible, but it's obvious abilities and capabilities, of course, all this is quite difficult, even despite the fact that I have tried to the utmost ease, to formalize the process under investigation. But just because I started this thread with odes to the miracle of nature – a person that we humans are sometimes such a phenomenal, wonderful, beautiful, incredible, but it's obvious abilities and capabilities, which themselves can not fully recognized, to comprehend how it is we have obtained. Thanks, that was me.

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