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06 Feb

The Grace

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It is perceived in this point that the social lack cause irreparable damages the life of the people. The isolated and abandoned sertanejos when seeing itself of the world, if become attached the promises based on miraculosos acts, that nailed a life without suffering, satiated and equal for all. Them to be able politicians of the region they left to desire, focando only personal interests in a ferrenha dispute for the privileges of domination of the goods and wealth of the land. With as many shunting lines of objectives, the people sertanejo suffered mazelas that they had been destined to them by the barren nature of the region, if seeing abandoned physically and spiritual for the competent agencies, however, the church catholic also searched its interests and allies the petty politics left the people the grace of the events, denying to them an aid for its losses, either in the droughts or exaggerated rains. Critical it to occasion a bigger effect the author if saw in responsibility to exactly create a so caridoso and self-sacrificing personage of itself, the Amncio priest.

Expert of the suffering of the people of the region northeastern, tried to brighten up the situation offering the support constant spiritual, and the corporeal properties that it fall the hands, leaving the proper comfort in the intention to become the life equal and joust for that people. Of in such a way suffering, the people created an impenetrable crust that, nor the goodness it Amncio priest can transpose. The trajectory of Blessed was long ties to arrive at the conviviality of the Vieiras, its people, so rejected for the population of the Au and the people of the Rock. With the death of its godfather, Bentinho did not see another alternative not to be to go to coexist its familiar ones. The convivncia was demystifying the reason of as much rejection, therefore, as well as the historical facts they demonstrate, they had been its familiar ones, the Vieiras that all traram the confidence of the saint of the Rock and the penitentes, telling happened to the power of the governing culminating in the arrest and the death of the leader of the sebastianista movement and some penitentes.

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