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17 Jun

The Article

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But we can pay attention to articles about coaching. The fact that such articles are usually written coaches, coaches and practitioners. If the end of the article listed a phone number, website address of the author or his e-mail, you can contact the author of the article and discuss possible cooperation. If he had, for whatever reason, is unable to work with you, you may recommend any of his colleagues. Coaches can be found on all kinds of thematic events: seminars, conferences, exhibitions, clubs and so on. This is a good opportunity to talk to coach personally, just find your questions about the practice coaching. But, unfortunately, do not always have the time and opportunity to attend such events.

In addition, many coaches spend their free seminars and presentations. Attendance at such seminars and presentations give a good opportunity to get acquainted with the coach, see what he was all about. And decide how it suits you. Let's say you found some coaches do you like their resume and you've even talked with them on phone or in person. Whom do you choose? When choosing a coach should look at a few points. First of all, the coach must undergo special training coaching.

Of course, you can find a talented A self-taught coach, but the probability of this is very low. Much more likely to run into a "specialist" Read a couple books about coaching and have decided that there was nothing complicated in this case does not. The results of such a "coach" not difficult to predict.

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