
Posts Tagged ‘way’
24 Mar

Olympian Zeus

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The pedestrian area which lies around the Acropolis has an extension of more than three miles. To acquire the input (General 12 Sundays and free students) will stroll around the ancient Agora and the Temple of Olympian Zeus, by which it would be advisable to begin the journey up to the top of the polis (the acropolis). The vision of the Parthenon, the Temple of Athena Nike and Erechtheum (adorned by the Tribune of the caryatids) will be our reward in addition to the magnificent views that gives us the climb of the Saranico Gulf. On the hill we will come with the theater where playwrights Aeschylus, Sophocles and Aristophanes premiered most of his works, the theatre of Dionysus. The agora we referred to us before, and whose function was to public communication among its inhabitants, is the Valley between the Acropolis and the Hill of Filopapos. This last is the funerary monument of homonym name that we can not ignore. In the current political center of Athens are the Academy of Plato, reconstruction of Theofill Hansen in 1887 as a library, and the Museum Archaeological national (7 general admission, free student of the EU). Pieces like the funerary mask of Agamemnon or Zeus de Artemision have headquarters in place, although most of the treasures of the city were looted in the colonial phase and driven to other cities.

See as an example the headquarters of the friezes of the Parthenon, the British Museum in London. The Greeks of the 21st century are aware of have been the origin of a language, a culture and a vital rhythm, but today nothing extrapolated. Quote from Socrates I am a citizen, not Athens or Greece, if not in the world is it understood today as a cause of globalization, but not in the sense that Plato’s teacher was referring to express the universalization of the ideas of a city and a country, the classical Athens and Greece, in the Middle world. By: Sonia L. Baena Sonia is an independent traveler who, before working as a writer for HostelBookers toured several continents, discovering the wonders of their towns and villages. During his stay in Greece discovered several hostels in quality and economic accomodation. Original author and source of the article

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