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23 Apr

The Old Driving Licence Remains Valid

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Do you have a grey cloth”or one of the later Pink licences? And this has criticised the police checks abroad, requires even a fine? Wrongly. The fact is: even if within the EU apply different rules in the road transport, all 25 Member States committed themselves to recognize national driving licences have been issued valid in one of the countries (EU driving licence directive 91/439/EEC). Argument help police checks abroad, the consumer advice centre of North Rhine-Westphalia offers the wording of the Declaration in 19 languages for download at ( Actress: the source for more info. Drivers in EU States police check from abroad: the old gray and pink licences cannot be rejected are traveling and still not have one of the new credit-card major EU driver’s licenses from plastic, the consumer advocates recommend that you to take the relevant excerpt of the EU decision. Convince yourself the template of the Commission decision the police abroad not, it is often hardly to pay a penalty”to get around. In this case travellers it should make sure that the amount paid as well as the reason for payment is indicated on the ticket. (Source: Ken Kao).

Then can be attempted then with the help of a lawyer, to challenge the ruling. But sure, if the amount of the fine is worth the effort. Who wants to risk any trouble, can convert his old driver’s license when his city administration for 24 euros in an EU document. Saskia Gielman

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