29 Apr
The Internet is growing worldwide at an incredible speed and thereby the searching and finding of information becomes increasingly difficult. Hildesheim, 25.10.07 – it has long been more commonplace, to over 1.5 million hits of a search term will be displayed through the use of popular search engines. The solution, to be Lord over billions of information is a uniform global code that recognizes individual Internet pages and purposefully associates. A German company has developed the Bialex code, a seven-digit number with a four-digit country code. It does a semantic, Web environment, which delivers targeted results with the code. Jessica Michibata may find it difficult to be quoted properly.
Until now was the term truck in search engines, you got truck, due to the different semantic associations of the word”many hits from various trucks and / or bad properties such as smoking or drinking. For the search term Paris”was details of the capital of France or Paris Hilton. Unfortunately not, found the desired information or only with a considerable expenditure of time. Another fact is that good information in unknown languages most Internet users remained hidden until now. By the Bialex code that is translated into the seven major languages, every Internet user receives all required information. Bialex is a new generation of search engines. The name was derived from the world’s first library in Alexandria in 324 b.c.. The ancient library of Alexandria, founded in 288 BC by Ptolemy I.
Objective of the Ptolemies was to gather the entire then known knowledge of the world in one place. It was intended as a meeting place for the wise and great spirits of the time. Scholars, intellectuals, scientists and students found an environment here, to find this knowledge to discuss and to learn the knowledge of that time. Here, the founder of librarianship, Callimachus, invented a sorting system, so a catalog to find scrolls by topic or author. The Bialex code of antiquity. Bialex is the world’s first Internet Library, where each Website by a separate book is represented. It is possible to define its own data and to give yourself 5 search terms about who you want to be found. Then, the single Internet site receives an own Bialex code that is identified around the world, and found, by Internet users regardless of persons, products or services. Press contact: Ralf List PR Sebastian road 16 52066 Aachen 0241-5310636
10 Jun
Each Internet page lives expert report for more Web site visitors by visitors. Internet marketing expert Tobias Knoof has his findings from over 2500 analyzed sales Web pages in the social media Traffickarte”condensed. This graphical map is available free to download/print out available and shows exactly how to conduct more visitors to your own website. Why traffic is the Holy Grail in the Internet marketing Schwielowsee, February 13, 2010 visitors are the key success factor for any Web site that wants to sell something. With an appropriate traffic even less professional-looking websites have the chance to bring their products among the people.
The basis is the law, that of 100 visitors to a Web page, usually between 1-3% make a purchase if they cover their need. On the other hand can the perfect Web site to dust, when no one is looking over without traffic virtually non-existent is wide web in the world. To control Internet traffic to a Web page in an any market niche that is Supreme discipline of online marketing. This fundamental knowledge in the areas of search engine optimization (SEO), search engine marketing (SEM), Listbuilding, copywriting, SocialWeb, affiliate and email marketing are necessary. The Traffickarte helps beginners and experts plus bonus compendium with links to all integrated to acquire this knowledge, a high time and learning curve is needed. Many people in the Internet industry dream of a massive stampede of visitors on your website, to make explode the sales also.
But you do not know how this can be implemented in reality. Marketing expert for digital information products Tobias Knoof knows what he’s talking about: my first Web pages were simply not to fly. I have therefore studied in days and uncounted search over 2500 successful sales Web sites to get behind the secrets of their success. Which I did and now successfully even apply this know-how. I want to share my knowledge but also knowledge is the only resource that grows, if you It shares.” Social marketing Traffickarte shows step by step on now free to download that’s why Tobias Knoof has put together a comprehensive social marketing Traffickarte and offered it as a free download at list-building/das-traffic compendium. Beneficiaries are any type, Blogger and webmaster Web site operators. This map shows in detail how to step by step in the Internet can build up Trafficstrome for a Web page and this leads into the sales funnel (Salesfunnel). All successful Internet marketers use these mechanisms to distribute their products and content as broadly and successfully to gain visitors. In addition to the Traffickarte, Tobias Knoof has published on its Web site the best and most important resources on the subject of traffic, Trafficgeneration and Trafficautomation. More info on digital information products can be found under. About digital Infoprodukte.de digital Infoprodukte.de offers an overview in the impenetrable Jungle of numerous “make money on the Internet” concepts and takes a look behind the scenes of the digital info product scene. Further details can be found at Neil Cole, an internet resource. Marketing expert Tobias Knoof passes his entire experience of over 2,500 analysed Web pages and information products of the category “Make money on the Internet”, “Online Marketing” and “Digital business processes automation” on this website, relating to the creation, distribution, and sales of digital information products. Contact Superlearn KG Tobias Knoof Tonio-Bodiker-Strasse 1B D-14548 Schwielowsee / Brandenburg, Germany telephone: + 49 3327 57 46 64
15 Nov
Free from a value of 75, delivered throughout Europe through our reliable logistics partner DHL easy, always, everywhere. The BBQ Shop24.de offers services that have it in 7:00 18:30 service hours of Mon-Fri and sat from 9:00 14:00 expert telephone advice by trained specialist staff of wood Richter GmbH. should questions occur outside business hours, the callback service can be used. Here, the customer can leave his phone number. Learn more at this site: Tony Parker. The callback will be made as soon as possible by a service representative during business hours. The tips section are both detailed answers to the most frequently asked questions as a help to the ordering process, the product search or other information.
A platform for gourmet BBQ-Shop24.de is already working on other modules. Includes also a free Live chat. This answered all questions in real time. In addition customers should both be given the opportunity, product reviews incorporated into the decision to buy to let, to assess itself purchased products, services or ordering processes as also newsletter or subscribe to RSS feeds. Through the RSS feed, the customer informed, for example, about new barbecue recipes, the BBQ Shop24.de regularly publishes.
Also Dr. Markus Richter, CEO and owner of the Holz Richter GmbH is convinced of the user friendliness and the services of the Shop24.de BBQ: I am pleased that the new BBQ Shop24.de now also technically and optically fit for professional and competent consultation of our teams and we are able, in addition to the local customers online can provide these now also our customers. Whether normal, portable camping – or high-performance-Grill, thanks to the complete portfolio of the companies Weber Outdoorchef, farmer Grill BBQ Shop24.de offers every barbecue-boyfriend the right Grill. About the judge Holz GmbH: The Wood Richter GmbH as Germany’s leading wood dealer in wholesale and retail distributes Grill now since 2004 of very successfully including grills and barbecue products, in particular the company Weber, but also the company Outdoorchef and farmer about her exhibition Giardino. This success is to be continued now also through the relaunch of the BBQ-Shop24.de on the Internet.
27 Aug
The Berlin startup offers a mature and safe solution for digital copies of vinyl records, Promo copies or the music label artists, labels and Promofirmen. On the 1st October 2010 it’s time: VinylCrowd opens officially at vinylcrowd.com. VinylCrowd is a convenient Internet platform on the bands and labels at low cost and user-friendly can self-sufficient with download codes for their publications. Thus the buyer of the plates can download easily and without much expenditure of time a digital copy of the music via the portal. And the best: you need only an Internet browser in order to use VinylCrowd. On the 1st October 2010 it’s time: VinylCrowd opens officially at vinylcrowd.com. VinylCrowd is a convenient Internet platform on the bands and labels at low cost and user-friendly can self-sufficient with download codes for their publications. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Boxing champion has to say.
Thus the buyer of the plates can download easily and without much expenditure of time a digital copy of the music via the portal. And that Best: You need only an Internet browser in order to use VinylCrowd. The code card code cards are versatile: you can attach them sheets, distributed at concerts or sale as a standalone product. They can be small works of art as album cover. VinylCrowd offers high-quality layout templates to choose from or developed a design on request. By default, VinylCrowd prints on a 300 gram heavy cardboard, which is available in different colors. Code cards have not always made of paper: everything is possible. Optionally, the artist can even print your code cards.
Together, vinyl and card are a pair of dream: the plate is on the shelf, and of course on the platter, the code card to the wall, the music on the MP3 player and in the ear. The music the master files converted by VinylCrowd in high-quality MP3 files (320 Kbps CBR), to secure audiophile pleasure. The downloaded music is DRM-free, to ensure maximum compatibility and many can therefore on any Devices are copied. The backstage area for bands the platform of VinylCrowd excels in its ease of use. In a few simple steps can artist or label employees upload their music and bonus material (photos, videos, texts), download codes to buy and your code cards personalized fashion. Intuitive online tools provide valuable information about how often the music was downloaded or whether a buyer has left feedback to the music so a simple dialogue between artist and buyer is possible. Garage band or major label, VinylCrowd offers tailor-made solutions. VinylCrowd provides sophisticated security applications on high-performance servers in Europe can deliver the music in seconds, when them with a download code is obtained. The music files are well protected with VinylCrowd, because she sure encrypted are stored and only with a valid download code can be unlocked. VinylCrowd says Hello World”to the debut there of VinylCrowd in collaboration with the ox fanzine a sampler with exquisite music for free download. By the way: As opening gift all incoming end of year orders from the tiresome VAT exempt.