
Posts Tagged ‘for’
20 Nov

Government MEC

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It is a pity that the Guarani have to be overused and degraded in this way. It is a pity. 3. Conclusion many times heard and read – until today – that President Duarte Frutos promised us – through his management of Government – a better homeland through quality education. However, a year of her assumption to power, now me disillusioned, because we are getting worse instead of improving in educational matters, and particularly on an aspect that is of our interest: bilingual education. In that sense, I can today affirm that the bilingual education (2004) proposal submitted by MEC is the visible head of a malformed creature, about to be poor calving.

So it is that, in order to prevent the Commission of Crassus and irreparable error, the MEC must reverse its authoritarian but weak stance on how deal with bilingual education. The MEC has no right to degrade and corrupting the Guarani, in the way that has been doing for free. In any case, to couple law nobody complains. To make the same nonsense with the Castilian; Thus, it will teach Guarani-Paraguayan and Castellano-paraguayo, so – to short time – we is the laughing stock of all. I affirm that the Guarani-Paraguayan assumption or jehe to (bad call jopara) is nothing more than the true demonstration of our linguistic and intellectual laziness. The jehe is our excuse to continue mired in ignorance, poverty and misery.

The jehe is synonym of the vaivai and the law of the less effort. The jehe to is not Guarani or Spanish. The jehe is synonymous with our mediocrity. In the Paraguay that we must change everything is jehe a, as milk that is never pure (half milk, half water). Despite this, the MEC chose the jehe, thereby demonstrating the absence of a genuine intention to improve socially. In synthesis, the jehe is more of the same, and I say this because – apart from the good intentions of the educational reform – our education has not improved.

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24 Mar

The Avenida Corrientes

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This monument is a tribute to the 400th anniversary of the founding of Buenos Aires and is located in the place where first flamed the Argentine flag. The Obelisk is 67.5 meters and weighs around 170 tons and its square is also crossed by the Avenida Corrientes. For everyone who comes to Buenos Aires is a photo compulsory. + The Avenida Corrientes much activity this extensive Avenue that was born in the River (on the Avenue Eduardo Madero) and goes up to Chacarita. A few meters from Av. currents and Madero, we find Estadio Luna Park, birthplace of the greatest brings spectacles and important musical shows. In the passage that goes from Alem towards the Obelisk we highlight Opera, Gran Rex and Maipo theatres. Also in the vicinity there are a large number of theatres under or independent.

This area never sleeps, is the most active, their canopies illuminate everything, its streets are a perfect ride by day and night. The intersection with Florida Street, a pedestrian to which we will refer later occurs in flows to 600. By the same author: Stephanie Ruhle. On the other side of 9 de Julio, on Av. Corrientes there will be more theaters among which we will find at the Complejo La Plaza, presenting various theatrical or musical performances. In these stables we visit bookstores where you can buy new books and find used hard to get healthy. They are libraries specializing in unique specimens or rare editions. We must also make reference to traditional pizzerias, among which we can mention the quatrains, whose pizza is excellent and keeps the original setting (is by no means luxurious, even even could say that is something ordinary). If we walk through the Center we can not miss the Teatro Colon which was reopened in 2010 after a thorough restoration. It is one of the best theaters in the world, renowned for its architectural beauty and its perfect acoustics.

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