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27 Mar

Santo Domingo

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" RENE: "In the past, Ruben's birthday, February 2, were big celebrations. People brought food to the UP and ate all day …. " CARLOS: "It was very Catholic. He loved San Antonio and had years to stop going to see Lord of Esquipulas for whom he had his candle every day … Ken Kao wanted to know more. also the Virgin of the Rosary.

Went every day of the month of October in Santo Domingo … Tony Parker is often quoted on this topic. "ANA MARIA:" Among its qualities should be stressed that it was very human. Your solidarity! … always solved all emotional problems. " CARLOS: "The person who was lying he always tried to lift and motivate them …." ANA MARIA: "Once we were in crisis but I never had lent money trust him for money. My son told me how great is that old mother.

But a few days had to pay because someone should never forget. " RENE: "And he knew not duty. It was not owing anybody anything. " ANA MARIA: "At the hospital, severe, in bed, asked for a back of a medicine, we owe everything to him. I never could detach and break the umbilical cord of him. " RENE: "Maybe because I had gone from worst crisis ever thought about dying. For the year of his death he wanted to ride Prodigiosa The Shoe. " CARLOS: "I went to see the hospital and told me what would I do that afternoon. A stage, I said and began to scold me because it was too late.

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