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16 Feb

Rose Revolution

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Note: the revolution occur when people's emotions, controlled, ideally through a well-chosen material and spiritual influences beyond the control of the authorities. If at least one of these elements of prosperity (material well-being or emotional satisfaction) is limited, defective, the likelihood of social explosion is greatly increased. Examples can search among "our" revolutions: 1905, 1917, 1990, Orange, Rose Revolution Think about it, financially or spiritually unfulfilled were instigators and organizers of these revolutions? Comments, as they say, izlishni.U we have patriots, patrons, devotees of the progress of music and pesenKonechno to Fortunately, we have and patriots, philanthropists, zealots are capable of doing something similar (albeit in miniature) in a given region, corporation, company, city, village for their own means. That's good. But why if we maintain through their taxes the state machine? Yes, it is to ensure that it provides a rational and effective implementation of national, necessary for each and every project, such that raise all society to a new level.

Difficulties – in the selection of decent, honest music experts and organizations of the objective testirovaniyVy say that this is a difficult and expensive. In that difficult, I agree but only part of the difficulty of selection is not affiliated with, honest music experts, as well as the organization of an objective search for and testing of young and not so young talent. And as for their material content and learning, then the state is really a dime. How much is currently known, popular current songwriters, composers, lyricists? Let roughly count up how much, for example, in Ukraine currently known, popular current songwriters, composers and poets of all ages, regardless of their level of talent.

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