Physical Education
The research field was the Center of Multiple Use? CMU pertaining Farm to the City of Itaja/SC, having as subject: aged that they carry through activities of leisure in order to combine itself with excessively. A great challenge and a pretty history that it deserves to be counted. Words key: Physical education? Corporal culture? Third 1.ABREM-IF Age the CURTAINS OF the SPECTACLE: INTRODUCTION, JUSTIFICATION AND RELEVANCE OF THE PROBLEM. The aging is a natural stage of the life of the individual, where this phase has proper characteristics, in which still it has personal possibilities of positive changes and accomplishments. This search of the new if becomes something possible for bigger availability of time and freedom, being able to be an interesting period of discoveries and renewal.
It is essential to believe as professional of the area of the Physical Education that all person has a potential to learn, a curiosity, a vital inquietude. with the third age is not different, alone because the age advances in the ones of the right o not to find that the aged ones had acquired envelhecimentos of attitudes and behaviors. This, almost always, occurs due to little request of performance of them and on the part of the community in general way without forgetting I discourage it of the proper one family. Although the aged ones are citizens to the influence of characteristic factors of the age, these alterations modulate the performance of the individuals, but they do not incapacitate them. According to WARRIOR, (1999, P. 63) ' ' our structure of perception, as well as strategies, goes if modifying in tune with our life, because exactly in the oldness the brain possesss new a enough plasticity that it allows the continuous incorporation of contedos' '. Based in this conception, the subject of this research appeared through the proposal curricular of the Course of Physical Education, where the requirements for its conclusion, are interventions directed to the interdisciplinaridade in not formal environment of education.