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25 Nov

Julia Child

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Made a film director Nora Ephron, a recognized master romantic comedies, whose track record is such classic films as "When Harry Met Sally, Sleepless in Seattle" and "You've Got Mail." But this time it is not about finding love, but about finding yourself. Literary The film is a book of memoirs, Julie Powell, "Julie and Julia: 524 recipes for 365 days." Basically, that's the whole story itself. The film tells the story of two women: Julia Child, who wrote a book about French cuisine, and Julie Powell, prepare all dishes from there and wrote about it in his blog. Julia Child, lady, are the epitome of optimism, Meryl Streep played and played, as always, superb. In general, the right is my girlfriend, who after leaving the cinema said the film with Meryl Streep – a separate genre of movie, which is filled with some special light and mood. Julia Child is married, she is happy and in love in France, where she lives with her husband (American diplomat) in 40-50 the last century. French cuisine has become her true passion and the old lady enthusiastically accepts the invitation to co-authored a book on French cooking for American housewives. Julie Powell, too, is married (her husband – Editor), lives in the U.S., employs an operator center of social protection (or as it's called?) and dreams of becoming a writer (written have polromana!). She played an incredibly charming Amy Adams, known as the audience Princess Giselle from the movie-animated film "Enchanted." After the interview, this one of his successful career girl, in which Julie derived a failure, the heroine decides to start a blog.

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