Home > News > Flowers
22 Feb


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The presence of flowers on different plants, is a result of a change in certain branches, so from an axillary bud flowers begin to birth, leading to the formation of an optimal structure for reproduction. Thus the birth of the flowers is given as a response of the plant, which will be reprogrammed, which starts from the base of the ontogenic cycle, ie vegetative growth, giving rise to the reproductive stage, which flowering takes place. Speaking of flowering, this reference with the origin of flowers on the ground because there is a change of growth since before the growth of the plant was unknown, while the growth to flowering is determined. More precisely the flowering is the establishment of a new cell lineages of plants, which will surely give the result of a new cell identity. When the process of flowering and hence the birth of the flower shoots, the shape of the apex began submit changes. Within the vegetative growth, the shoots, due to their mitotic activity and the accompanying processes of elongation, differentiation and morphogenesis, submit a crecimeitno localized and indeterminate, which will lead to different organs tissue origin of the primary structure of the plant.

Very important in everything that involves the birth and growth of the flower is the reproductive meristem, which is very similar to the vegetative meristem, but the value of reproductive meristem in the flowering process, is that this is a change synchrony in the cell and in the regions of cell division. With this in mind, in flowering occurs changing the activity and the differentiation of vegetative meristem to reproductive meristem, which thanks to its action within the plant, does that originate themselves components of the flower. One of the main factors that induction and training of floral primordia or in simpler terms the birth of flowers are the internal factors such as light and temperature, as these could affect the floral stimulation. Given the above factors influencing flowering, pay great attention to photo-journalism as this item includes different processes of the development of the flower, flowering, onset of dormancy, senescence, abscission, cambial activity among many others, and photojournalism orders and points to the meristem cell division sites, as Elative length of day and night. In an overview of the flowers, the photo-periodic conditions are perceived by the leaves and not directly by the meristem, and the intensity and quality of light stimulus produces a flowering of the plants leaves and then initiate the flowering meristems.

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