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11 Jun

Chuguevskaya Treasures

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(Start Okonchanie. see number 44 "Red Star" on October 29) Perhaps the most common finds are coins. I know in Chuguyev a lot of people who had gathered for their own gardens entire numismatic collection – from copper Peter dimes to silver Nicholas dvugrivennikov and early Soviet coins. Most of them do not represent great value – no material or historical. But there are exceptions Coin "Wild Field"? Unprepossessing copper coin – a curve with a half-time of the erased figure This discovery even want to throw out contempt, so as not to spoil your view set previously found neat round coins with eagles and royal monograms. Fortunately, this "cripple" is not thrown away.

She fell into the hands of an archeologist Gennady Whistler, who immediately thought of the ancient origin of the coins. And he showed her authoritative experts – numismatists. That confirmed the hunch and determined ownership and the dating of the coin: the end of the pool of Horde xiii – the beginning of xiv century. Pools, as called small coins in the Middle East and the Golden Horde, struck on blanks, fabricated from rod, forged or stretched to a certain diameter. Rod is cut to the markup and thus obtained piece of ivy and annealed before applying the stamp. The thickness of the workpiece provided mixed. One end, which accounts cut the – thicker, the opposite, which accounted for more than a strong hammer blows – thinner. The image is applied by stamping dies that were made of steel rods circular cross-section of the required diameter.

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