Drivers us often occurs when punctured a wheel of our vehicle, we get angry, we despotricamos because it is really annoying having to change the wheel; In addition almost always puncture occur at the worst times, at night, with cold, with rain, road then I am going to give some tips for when such a situation occurs you. If we prodded, the first thing we will do is drive the vehicle to a safe place to avoid endangering us or endanger other drivers. Once located the vehicle in safe place, we spring-clean emergency lights, place the triangles and will get reflective vest, since it is mandatory. Others including Author, offer their opinions as well. We then removed the spare tire, Jack and wrench to loosen the nuts. Use the Jack to lift the wheel, in the basement of the car there is a certain point where we will put the Jack to lift the car, then remove the Hubcaps, unscrew the nuts of the wheel, and as we already had Jack installed in his slot, use it to lift the car until the wheel punctured is four fingers of the soil. Then remove all the wheel nuts, remove it and exchange for the replacement. For even more opinions, read materials from Sela Ward. From here we will repeat all the steps but in reverse: we put the spare wheel and tighten the nuts, went down the car with Jack, remove cat and return to give a strong grip to the nuts, even supporting our foot in the key and dropping our weight; We keep the damaged tire, Jack and wrench of wheels in addition to the safety elements that we put at the beginning. And for finish and this is very important, we will change or repair the tire damaged as soon as possible. And if despite these tips don’t you dare, always carry the phone’s support on the road of your car insurance. Original author and source of the article.