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09 Jan


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Today, I want to tell about Donkey fishing for bream. This summer, I became interested in catching bream. Donka unevirsalnaya and it is possible to catch any fish, from carp and chub ending. I use fishing line 0.2 – 0.25 mm and 0.18 mm for a lead. Use a long leash 30 – 50 cm But why so long? The fact is that as a rule trophy bream does not come close to the feeder in a tight, but there is little further that can be said about his younger relatives.

Second, over further animates the bait, which in turn adds more vibrations attract fish from great distances. To broaden your perception, visit Sally Rooney. Feeder using a weight of 50 grams. Because I fishing on the Seversky Donets River, where the mean flow. Same apply protivozakruchivatel that carries a normal cast with small amounts of overlaps with the leash as bait kormushkoy.V prefer ready-mix. The fact is that for each type of fish is ready bait with various components and odor. But many prefer to do leschatniki bait themselves or add to their gotovyesmesi ingerdienty aromatizatory.Glavnoe and that the bait was small particles that will carried away over long distances. Attachment is often screw worm or earthworm. But not so long ago found a boilies 8 – 12 mm, which in turn further sorts the fish more comfortable krupnuyu.Tak same thing baits that are sinking and plavayuschie.Tak also have a wide variety of tastes and smells are suitable for hot and cold water.

The tactic is simple catch, you need to find a place with steep banks and a depth of 2 to 6 meters. At this perhaps all. Bottom fishing tackle is very simple, yet it can be used as a feeder. None of the tail, you either scales!

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