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11 Jan

Belgian Study

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All normal social fact can become a fact pathological when the amount increases disproportionately and thus exits than usual. The techniques of sociological research to analyze the social fact are: to) monograph, b) statistics and c) survey. (a) the monograph is the study of a particular, specific social fact that has certain important dimensions, by a team of researchers with greater or lesser number of researchers according to the extension of the social fact. That study should be done in the most profound way to give us the essence of the social phenomenon. The starting point of this research goes back to the Belgian sociologist Federico Leblain, when he conducted a case study of the working-class family of his time. Then this method will be refined and developed by his disciples. b) statistics; Some have considered it as Assistant and other how simple technique. It is defined as the procedure whereby it is possible to collect and analyse social phenomena that occur in large numbers.

The method most used is the census. To conduct a statistical study procedures son:1 – gathering of data; 2 analysis of them, through a series of procedures which classifies the observed facts; 3. Presentation of these facts. A way to present those facts it is numerical assessments, which are known under the name of indexes (numerical ratio between two quantities). They can also be represented by maps or charts. When we can do statistics on the whole, a sampling that allows to reach more specific data is performed.

Sampling: is a part of the totality of the probe. It is expressed in some degree most of all. Sample the greatest number of individuals has, will have fewer error. This research technique, is based on the law of large numbers, this law establishes: If one takes a representative number of (Group), the proportions that the society is they are, they are similar to those that exist in society as a whole. (c) survey: find the interview; This is a type of survey that is characterized primarily by the increased interaction of the researcher about the person under investigation. The sociological researcher attends the place the interviewee’s or investigated and performs a series of questions. Here you will find quality items for the care of the body, mind and spirit; In addition to other sections such as: sports, entertainment, computing, health and more.

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