
Archive for October, 2018
05 Oct

Social Responsibility

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For the International Labour Organization (ILO), the social responsibility of the company is the set of actions that take into consideration the companies so that their activities have a positive impact on society and that affirm their principles and values that govern, both in its own methods and internal processes and its relationship with other actors. The RSER is a voluntary initiative. Definitely small entrepreneurs, as some have pointed out, should be aware that corporate social responsibility does not correspond to the philanthropy of companies, but it is in a management model which strengthens its competitiveness in the market. It is profitable to bet on this purpose, because in the near future, will be a condition for staying in the modern business world, where competitiveness based on principles of transparency, good governance and social responsibility will be measured. Trend of the responsibility Social business inside of enterprises with respect to CSR strategies, there is a marked trend towards the improvement of the quality of life of the worker as activities and tools that facilitate are being incorporated and better the quality of life of the worker. For example: Training courses to specialize to the worker Incorporation of technology for the use of daily chores Implementation of sports practices Indirect incentives to workers, resulting in a greater worker participation with the company. Conclusions is very important that give new transformations, generating changes that favour which the CSR for SMEs is of, leading to these companies to develop more efficiently and to cooperate with the productivity of a country that requires them, especially when it manifests inside challenges that the current Government has generated them in pro of wanting to establish a socialism and where many were not prepared to do so. Original author and source of the article.

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