
Archive for December, 2015
13 Dec

South Africa

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It is in penultimate in spread (difference enters the tax of captation interests and the tax of loan of the banks). the remaining portion of the world? The list is led again by the United States, followed of Hong Kong, that exceeded Cingapura in this year (it sees picture). In the 10 first ones, the others seven are between that they offer to better conditions of life its inhabitants, as the Scandinavians. Brazil was to the front of Argentina (55), Italy (50), Russia (49), South Africa (48) and Mexico (46). But behind Peru (37), Coreia of the south (31), India (30) and China (20).

Of one year for the other, the Russians had lost two positions, the Indians, one and the Chinese, three. The majority of the countries showed stagnation in the study of the last year. Economies dependents of the external market had highly lost position, as it is the case of Taiwan, that passed of 13 for 23 position. The crisis and the profits of competitiveness of Brazil had made with that it in the distance diminished between the Country and nations most placed. In this year, two nations had been enclosed more – Catar and Cazaquisto -, passing the list for a total of 57 searched economies. The Finlndia if detached as the nation that more gained position, coming back, also, toward the group of ten more important of the WCY. Already Greece, Ireland, Colombia and Taiwan, they had been between that are in worse situation, with the biggest losses in ranking. The Estnia was the one that had the biggest fall (12 positions). Chile, one of the opened economies more of Latin America, continued in the leadership of the region gained a position. Bibliography: Periodical Leading Brazilian business newspaper of 20 of May of 2009Jornal the State of So Paulo of 20 of May of 2009Jornal Leaf of So Paulo of 20 of May of 2009Jornal the Globe of 20 of May of 2009

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