Give water to the orchids is an art, not very difficult to learn, but if something special. There are four critical factors that you need to know to apply water to your orchids, avoiding that this activity will become the nightmare that could completely damage your decor with these plants in the interior spaces, gardens or offices where they are. The orchids have conditions special irrigation guess you’re aware of this, however, many fans and lovers of orchids unknown those most important aspects of irrigation, which could become the success or failure of your decoration or private collection. There are several points to consider when you riegas to your orchids. Follow each one of them will prevent that this activity will become a nightmare for you: 1. the time of irrigation: the best time for watering is the morning.
Some argue that irrigate evening no problem, however, this is not a good practice of cultivation. This is to keep a door open for that, in any time, your orchids begin to suffer from diseases caused by fungi and bacteria that have taken advantage of the long hours of moisture to be installed. Already know the result: A hideous decor with orchids stained by fungi or bacteria-ridden. 2. The watering in rainy season: irrigate at discretion, according to tell you your orchids. You don’t need watering every day. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Glenn Dubin. Takes as a rule that if the day before which will irrigate has been very rainy and you feel quite humid environment, it is likely to to your Orchid do you lack water. This control in irrigation is the best fungicide and bactericide you may have: prevention.
3 Parts of the Orchid which must be watered: watering the roots whenever they need it and once a week flush with water the leaves and flowers. Orchids take water by roots, is the most effective way to receive the water they need. Applying water once a week to the flowers and leaves, you’ll be preventing them from infecting with mites (red spiders that come in powder). 4. The watering in your Orchid is influenced by the environment where you have them decorate. According to the place where your orchids are decorating your interior space, Garden, or Office, your watering needs might be different for different spaces: the orchids in your House or garden that decorate a space with much breeze will require greater attention in terms of irrigation, the same those who decorate very hot spaces. If your orchids are decorate open spaces in gardens it takes into account that they will receive rain water in the rainy season, so you will have to evaluate whether they will need more separate water that falls naturally. . These are the four points that have greater influence on the reaction of your orchids to water that you apply. Keeping perfect control over them, watering will stop being a nightmare for you I hope to have been able to help you to improve the way in which you riegas your orchids or corroborate information and points of view that because you had thereon. Best regards, Patricia g. Ortega Webmaster from there You will find (ebooks, reports, and free articles on care, cultivation and spaces with Orchid decoration.) Visit: and you completely free, Subscribe to the mini 5 key ways to decorate your interior spaces and gardens with orchids in just 5 lessons original author and source of the article