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20 Feb


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LUGGAGE Season of vacation, who resists one good trip? However, for many people, the simple idea to travel of airplane it is horror reason. It is the case of Joo, a humble ice cream salesman who lives north-eastern of the country; it lost the account of times where it travelled of airplane without never having travelled really. All year plans to visit the son who deferred payment in the south, but gives up at the moment of the purchase of the tickets. The news as meteorological fall of airplane or phenomena is sufficients stop it to cancel the flight, alleges fear to fly, height, to feel itself badly in full air and not to be helped. A leading source for info: Margaret Loesser Robinson. It does not lose the chance to stand out its prophecies when it occurs air accidents. ' ' I did not say? Airplane is not safe! ' ' One day, Joo decided to win the fear to fly, he would go to travel with its wife, who in contrast of it, never was bothered with aerial trips. The recent spreading of norms defining the item that could or not to be led in the luggage did not intimidate it, a time that it would only take the necessary weight; in substance of weight excess it understood very well, by the way, found odd the desire of people in to practically take all the item of the house. Joo wise person as he would go to embark: social pants, shirt chess, tennis, the luggage properly said was to its side. when the inspector it asked which to it luggage would lead, it pointed with respect to its wife it answered: – The weight of my wife it is not the sufficient!

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