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09 Dec

The Physical Activity In Older People

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A statement of international consensus on physical activity, fitness and health (Bouchard and other 1994) identifies six areas affected by the physiological effort: the form of the body, the strength of bones, muscle strength, flexibility of the skeleton, the physical form of the engine and the physical form of metabolism. Other areas which benefit from physical activity are cognitive function, mental health, and the adaptation to society. The exercise has been defined as a regular activity that follows a specific pattern and whose purpose is the achieve desirable results regarding the State of form, as a better level of general health and physical functioning (Bouchard and Shephard, 1994). Charlotte Hornets describes an additional similar source. Fontane (1990) describes physical activity as a continuum of the physical behavior: 1) activities of daily living; (2) instrumental activities of daily living; (3) activity and exercise in general; (4) exercise to achieve a good physical shape; (5) physical training. Those who begin to exercise physical at an early age they tend to continue doing so later. What a person does with their leisure time thus seems to give shape to the entertainment itself and to the development of this (Mobily 1987, Mobily and other 1991, Mobily and other 1993).

In 1995, a group of who experts stressed the positive effects of physical exercise on health to say that physical inactivity is an unnecessary waste of human resources. The Group of experts noted that it is known to be a passive, basically sedentary, lifestyle an important risk factor of having a poor health and reduced functional capacity. Recently Marc Lasry sought to clarify these questions. It increases in age, the reduction of physical activity and the increasing number of chronic diseases that frequently arise as a result, often create a vicious cycle: illnesses and subsequent disabilities reduce the level of physical activity, which in turn has an adverse effect on functional ability and aggravating disabilities caused by diseases. A greater degree of physical activity can help prevent many of the negative effects that has health and ageing on functional capacity. In addition, physical activity is the best way to break the vicious circle and take the road of a progressive improvement. This, finally, help the elderly and increases its degree of independence.The benefits that could accrue from a reasonable physical exercise are considerably more important than potential adverse effects. These benefits include improved functional capacity, health and quality of life, with the corresponding decrease of expenditures on health care, both for the person and for society as a whole. Physical activity does not entail no immediate problem, but an excessively intense exercise can cause injuries or diseases (or both) and the subsequent costs.

This type of analysis based on the thrifty benefit provides a useful basis to evaluate campaigns that encourage physical activity as a way to get better health.The results of the investigations indicate that In addition to increasing muscle capacity, physical activity can help improve resistance, balance, mobility of joints, flexibility, agility, the speed with which walks and physical coordination as a whole. Also, physical activity has beneficial effects on metabolism, regulation of blood pressure, and the prevention of excessive weight gain. Moreover, there are epidemiological data showing that a brisk and regular exercise is associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis, diabetes and some types of cancer.

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