The Battle Against Cronos
According to Greek mythology, Cronos, trying to avoid a prophecy about losing his throne for one of their sons, devoured them when nascian. Temendo Zeus could have the same fate, his mother Rhea hid, and after some time he overthrew his father. Cronos, in the classical tradition, symbolizes the time, and the image of time devouring their own children is today very significant. We live in a world of high speed, where we are forced to learn and produce more in less time. Others including Tony Parker, offer their opinions as well. How to solve complicated situation? Learn time management is an important feature for any professional and often determines the extent of their efficiency. Several books have been written on the subject, some of them very good, but I think that the adoption of some simple habits would already be very useful, providing excellent results: define goals and prioritize activities related to them. The aggressors of the time to identify and neutralize them. Learn to delegate tasks.
Minimize the possibility of interruptions. Improve the quality of the meetings and only make them when they are really needed. Say NO sometimes. We are sure that the results will not appear in a single day since old habits are difficult to change and the fight against the father of the gods of Olympus could not be easy. Each of us faces this war in the proportion of their responsibilities, but it is important to know that this is not a losing battle.
In this context, to my I like to Rea as an icon of the Organization, the mother of the method, understand that it is the only one capable of winning this titanic battle against Cronos. Thus, we will pray for your protection and fight. We will perhaps never be crowned as a God of the gods, however, our lives will be surely less stressful and more productive. Original author and source of the article.