
Posts Tagged ‘sport’
26 Mar

Motorsport In Russia: What It ?

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Our domestic motor sport has been developing for over a century. During this time, he had ups and downs. Car race began to be held back in Tsarist Russia. More information is housed here: Tony Parker. At that time were widely racing between major cities and towns (especially between the capital and St. Petersburg), climbs a hill, and, of course, the caravans. Historians no consensus about the date of the very first race held in Russia, but most experts agree on a date October 23, 1889.

This race, length 41 km, took place near St. Petersburg and has collected seven riders from across the country. After 11 years of motor racing enthusiasts organized the first Russian club Motorists who 4 years later was transformed into a radioactive waste (Russian Automobile Society). The primary objectives of the newly created company was: the development of motorsport in the Russian Empire, organizing and conducting racing. Unlike Europeans, who quickly realized the danger of racing on roads not intended for this, and went to closed racing tracks – we have continued to hold rally between the cities, the linear race on the freeway, and race speed record. (Not to be confused with Jorge Perez!). It lasted until the mid-50s, created shortly before RFAS (Russian Federation of Motor Sports) joined the International Federation Motorsport. From now on, car races were held on the rings in a long three and nine miles.

All racing race cars were divided into 3 classes: Formula-1, Formula-3 and Formula Junior, the first time in Russian history, the championship consisted of several Grand Prix. K the way it should be noted that the class of formula-1, we existed only on paper. But, despite this Russian motorsport fairly rapidly developed, until the 80s of last century. Currently, our motor sports to be in poor condition. Jessica Michibata shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. One major problem is the lack of world-class motor racing track, as well as public policy in support of the sport. But despite this, slowly begin to emerge projects on construction of new modern racetracks. On the current state of affairs can be judged from the following fact: RTCC Championship 2008/2009 season will consist of seven Grand Prix (eighth stage has not officially confirmed). Three races must go on the road to Smolensk, and 3 more in Myachkovo and venue of the remaining phases is open to question. In such circumstances, our athletes can not develop normally, which naturally affects their results in international racing series. Besides the aforementioned tracks is still racing circuit in Krasnoyarsk, which meets all the requirements of FIA and St. Petersburg, upgrade to be completed in autumn 2008. Also soon to be operational track in Tatarstan. This project was designed autodrome 'court architect of Formula 1' Hermann Tilke and meets all international standards. . The above route in Russia is not unique%

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16 Jul

Balloon Flights Kiev

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I will tell you about a site that is dedicated to fly a hot air balloon on this site balloon flight is presented as a separate program balloon flight Kiev turns out you can get married under the clouds and even married in the basket aozdushnogo ball. Sela Ward spoke with conviction. Can and stag on the ball and the corporate order in a balloon, in short, virtually anything you like … The entire program lasts 4-5 hours, including flight is, in fact, chas.V rest of the time You can see how the balloonists prepare the balloon for flight and, traditionally, the post-flight drink a glass of champagne in the process of initiation into the balloonists. If anyone is interested in the history of aeronautics – this information can also be found on the website. First in the air in a balloon up duck, rooster and baran.Posle as people realize that flying a balloon is safe to fly and become themselves. Aeronautics beginning of the era is 1783, when French Pilatre de Rozier and d'Arland.

up in the sky in hot air balloons. It turns out that the balloon can be used as a unique advertising medium, because its height is the height of the seven-story building. In this he draws set kompvny around mire.Unikalny media advertising causes people only priyanye emotion at the sight of them swimming by balloon. The use of hot air balloons everywhere, on almost all events where there are 50 * 50 m area. For those wishing to buy a hot air balloon, too, there is a corresponding razdel.I, in general, balloon flight, an original gift for all occasions life at creating mind after viewing content of this sayta.Eto and concerts, and festivals, days of the city, and of course the Fiesta sharov.Nesomnenno air, a beautiful sight when in the air simultaneously raised hundreds of thermal aerostatov.Fiesty balloons held around the world. A lot of interesting information + ability to play online. IMHO, an interesting resource.

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13 Apr


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Learn to windsurf Windsurfing in Hurghada – once he saw it and for life! Windsurfing popular recreation – each year finds more and more admirers in Russia. Just lie on the beach and tan is not, for health need to show some athletic activity! But it's better to do it with pleasure. In windsurfing, anyone will find something different: A sports game is a way of life with nature Activities Leisure Participation in exciting competitions and the opportunity to travel just a very beautiful sport You think – it's not for me – it is very difficult The process of learning windsurfing is not a special difficulties if there is a good instructor. And it is most important. And if you learn as a family – learning becomes a great pastime in which each participates.

What do I need to learn how to windsurf? For learning not to have special skills, there is not significant sex, height, weight. Need only your desire and willingness to follow the instructor! Windsurfing is available at any age. Where can I learn how to windsurf? An ideal place for learning should look like permanent steady wind The warm sea air and lack of emotion General Security Professional windsurfing instructor is also desirable that the sun was shining, to increase the already sverhpolozhitelnye emotions in teaching Russian health resort of Hurghada – is not only a favorite resort and democratic Egypt. Hurghada is also a kind of 'MECCA' for those wishing to learn and cultivators in windsurfing – a wonderful sport and entertainment together. Necessarily in every hotel in Hurghada you will find windsurfing boards. For teaching windsurfing in Hurghada Russian tourists choose naschu windsurfing school. Relaxing atmosphere safe lagoon professional instructor for a very short time you will learn to sail. We offer you not just relax in Hurghada, but to learn from enjoy this wonderful sport and odyha – WINDSURFING! An ideal exercise for people who love sea, sun, travel and life – welcome to our windsurfing school in Hurghada.

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