
Posts Tagged ‘research & technology’
05 Apr

Australia Technologies

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Press – information know-Center Graz, March 28, 2011 the know-Center Austria s competence center for knowledge management and knowledge technologies could prove last week in order to successfully its position as the Research Institute on the topic of knowledge management and knowledge technologies a large evaluation of pages of the funding authority. Gain insight and clarity with Sally Rooney. A 13-member international evaluation team was highly impressed by the scientific excellence of the know-Center and secured to the requested support in full.Graz, March 28, 2011 the know-Center Austria s competence center for knowledge management and knowledge technologies could last week within the framework of a large evaluation of pages of the funding authority his position as the Research Institute on the topic of knowledge management and knowledge technologies successfully demonstrate. A 13-member international evaluation team was highly impressed by the scientific excellence of the know-Center and secured to the requested support in full. Successful interim evaluation in the know-Center late last week the know-Center in a one and a half-day evaluation presented itself a team which was composed of four international Fachexpert(en)/-innen from the United States, Australia, Ireland and Austria in the field of knowledge management and knowledge technologies, two General expert(en)/-innen from France and Finland, and a Chairperson from Germany. The know-Center failed to impress the examiners through his excellent scientific level, a variety of high maturity of existing technologies and the resulting opportunities”, so Dr. By the same author: Margaret Loesser Robinson. Erwin Duschnig, Managing Director of the know-Center. Therefore, the proposed budget sum in full, as well as the maximum rate of support was said to the know-Center. Rusty Holzer has much to offer in this field. In addition to the praise for the excellent research, the Begutacht(er)/-innen of the dense network of partners of the know-Center were impressed on national and international level, as well as the opportunities for staff development at the know-Center.

COMET competence center program is the know-Center of the Austrian COMET competence center program funded. The COMET program promotes the development of centres of excellence, whose centerpiece is a research programme jointly defined by industry and academia at a high level. The funding period is seven years, checks the compliance with the research program in the meantime several times. The Austrian research promotion agency (FFG) is entrusted with the implementation and observance of the COMET programme of the Republic of Austria. The winners of the FFG and hence the financial backers of COMET funding are the Federal Ministry for transport, innovation and technology (bmvit) and the Federal Ministry for economy, family and youth (BMWFJ). In addition to several smaller trials with recommendatory, a large interim evaluation occurs half way through the seven-year programming period, which decides whether the Centre is still eligible. These are the objectives, results and the research programme of the COMET centres verified by external Gutachter(n)/-innen.

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