
Posts Tagged ‘multilevel’
23 Jun


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We enter to the internet as a curiosity or for reasons of work we have removed to the Secretariat and they put us computer and told us is very intuitive is very logical and no need to know much except what’s your specialty and for years batallamoa with screens stunned and with locks and little by little were unraveling asking in the area of systems or the more youngsters how to take forward the more elementary as cut or paste and Drag and thousand etceteras which increasingly were more and more until did not know if we already had mastered the new instrument or if not acabariamos by never end because since we felt more or less to the current changed us the platform and as that lost the floor. On the way at least I sold internet sold networks sold domains sold voip and engineering agricultural that was my especielidad me permitia understand something and lost me most of the training courses to all levels and languages we arrived from all sides finally decided to enter the bull and us we read the manual of survival systems client/server by God that so called another update but as landing always difficult and so we have reached an unassailable conclusion that if what we would have done 10 years ago would have saved us many problems must be estuduar the race IT engineer but well we will not return to the school for that is the internet and we started already in Favorites mark all cusos and tutorials and blogs and websites that can help us and information again is overwhelming. Hoping that it is the last update us lanzoma to the blogy already now have 50 half are from companies that we are in the process of developing and think that collaboration is the technique to carry it out because there are other analyze 2 big questions the first has 10 years where this Internet and now Web 2 yellowpages. Other leaders such as movie star offer similar insights. 0 and with zero responses and the other is if obama be an illustrious unknown came to lapresidencia in three years can I do the same thing via the internet and the communities of web 2. 0 because if the gro get one million members of my community to get to lapresidencia all the stress and the experience of living to achieve to understand the internet and how we changed my life there will be valid the penalty. You who believe is may or are we will have wasted the time unfortunately. See more detailed opinions by reading what Adam Sandler offers on the topic.. We studied engineering before the internet then we were going to enter computer issues when the ibm 360 agree air conditioned rooms and everything and it was not until 1999 when we returned to sell in an isp and 6 months noz internet update for the first time and already llrvamos 10 years of updates and still do not charge

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26 Oct

The Multilevel

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But if they are enterprising people by nature. That people who have had, or have, or continue to have own business because what they want is to have a choice of time and significant money. It must be borne in mind that those persons can also be very good. Obviously the network marketing takes its time, attraction marketing also. But if they have a level of mentality very attractive and very large. Tony Parker might disagree with that approach. They can make it very, very quickly your handheld through everything that you have learned in my 5-day training.

That is the market cold, to which you can see how I’ve done it and you can too do the market hot? You’re not going to bomb it as did before, not from persecution, not from harassment to persons already that you have seen that it does nothing. Go hot market that cares for your professionalism that these developing, are interested in the opportunity of what we are doing through the attraction marketing. If you want to know more how you can give to your business in a professional manner known personally and want to tell with strategies that are taking hundreds and hundreds of networkers at classroom level I invite you to look at Patrocinio3.0 this will show you all you need to do, this course will teach how to apply filters, how to make a list of filters, to make a real call of business, how to make real trails with commitment not chasing classic, how to make an effective closure. Anyway and in this not you have spoken or 50% of what you’ve offered this wonderful course that opened my eyes just as it has done with Netwokers 100tos at the Ibero-American level. A Council to take into account when you decide to start something please always clear that there are thousands of way of doing this. Today it’s me who wants to help and advise in this world of businesses in this what I call MULTILEVEL, not you fear, don’t feel that you do not know, because is that as well as I started in this business not knowing anything, I’ve learned and much and today I am who you ensanara to know how to do it. So take a risk and give an upset to your life do not stay stagnant because there nobody you pulled, only your will do it as soon as you take the right decision and you know what? So! You expect is time to join us. _ If you want to see this article in a manner more wide and view other topics this tama relations enters this link here you must go in the multilevel or visit my blog at Visit the MLM secrets that you should know.

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