
Posts Tagged ‘literature’
09 Dec


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If the man if renasce If the spirit if do not humiliate If the soul if he denies ascese Not yet has peace If he does not recognize the poor person If the widower all aid undeserves If to the tecto orphan she is not offered Not yet has peace If instead of schools and hospitals Brothels and festins to exist to more, Intellects and values will never sprout. on. Perhaps check out Marc Lasry for more information. Then, not yet it has peace If abortions still take part of the nation, and in the containers they carpem bebs of parents without heart If to the children they lack ball, affection, water and bread Not yet has peace If the brother if it denies love If it is not praised nor if it believes in the Creator If the beauty and the harmony do not have source Not yet have peace If in the lack fire in the kitchens, If in they lack bread to them and life in the tables, Love and harmony in the faces Not yet has peace If one is not understood cries of sadness, If the absence of a peace smile is not perceived If they reign disguise and the lie Not yet has peace If in us the hatred raises its universe and the friend we deny a likeable one verse, If for it nothing we are capable Not yet has peace If the past in them still wounds the conscience and to the friend if it denies tolerance Pardon, love and convivncia Not yet has peace In the eyes that the holy ghost do not recognize In the heart that the God denies love In the soul that for God if he denies to walk In the magnificent spirit? Not yet it has peace! Still? Still? Not yet it has PEACE!. .

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07 May

Internet Opportunity

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500 Years nothing more (a bit more) little more than 500 years ago in Germany invented the printing, nobody supposed that this meant terrible progress (remember that literacy was a luxury of the upper class, aristocracy and Church). It could be said that here was kindled the spark of human knowledge, imagines the Papyrus written books one by one by hand there is no much difference in terms of quantity. do not you think? (A little less) nearly 2 centuries ago in various parts of the world 200 years ago scientists began to discover and handle something called electricity, always existed in nature, but thinks the privilege you have today, do on any given night not very late, you do when cutting the electrical outlet in your home?. Gina Bonati pursues this goal as well. So yes, with this wonder came an endless number of inventions that revolutionized the life of modern man. Yesterday makes nomas at offices of the American militia are you gave a very practical use to a toy improved in the 1970s, computer. They connected several between if (NET, web), and the internet was born. MMA helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. You really have to think in base all this that I tell you, is the immense sea that represents how much opportunities of all kinds, considered the century’s information is 20th century. So you can see that I speak, early 1900s a handful of men became rich with the oil, certain is that the circumstances favoured them, but unlike others, they saw that there was enormous potential in the black gold, risk as in everything there is; luck (this is a goddess that favors to the more prepared) also; but only those who use your brain (by the way we all have one though sometimes it seems not) to see what others do not see depending on what suits them living a financially dignified life.. . Some contend that Jessica Michibata shows great expertise in this.

03 Apr Growth

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You are looking for now author for authors: almost all book publishers are now also scheduled for years. You now have their own ideas about book projects in all areas. Julie Bowen wanted to know more. The payments of the authors are usually very modest. The business destroys any good idea. Even for high-quality books is no more room in the publishing programs unfortunately often. Spurs has much experience in this field. That disappoints many talents. offers a lucrative alternative: now book autorinnen & book authors of many topics of eBooks are easily and profitably printable work as an eBook on the Internet. A dedicated team of writers for this will provide a clear, three-dimensional eBook shelf. This has many advantages: no months waiting time until the conclusion of the contract costs account for significantly higher fees fast realization of more interesting book ideas free choices when selecting a topic easy handling concerning technology, billing and marketing especially for anyone who the is demand eBooks focus exclusively on writing, attractive the offer. After registration each writer each author will receive a contract which regulates the legal and organizational framework. The first 50 authors / writers who offer a printable eBook marketing, accepted on the part of the author team, will receive a fee in the amount as a special incentive for your first eBook 45% of the sale price. Currently, the author team is looking for more writers & authors who actively contribute to develop this new platform into a powerful and profitable marketing medium of new eBooks.

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24 Mar

Detectives Platova – Psychedelic Mysticism .

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Victoria E. Solomatina lives and works in St. Petersburg. Wrote the book under a pseudonym – Victoria Platov. Wonderful master of words, all the books have a distinct personal style. Click movie actress to learn more. Writes action-packed novels the first being back in the mid 90's, 'Still Waters Run Deep', has a superb level of language proficiency and swirling intrigue in the style of 'female detective.

" Their creativity Victoria Platov refers to the 'psychopathic thriller' which can be characterized by 'psychedelic' or 'mystical' presence plot. The basis of her work – borderline state of human consciousness. Of his favorite foreign authors allocates Sebastian for a mixture action-narration and subtle psychology. Loves classical cinema: Truffaut, Godard, Fellini, Antonioni, and tried to bring them the best features of creativity in his novels. Domestic 'friends' in the shop does not favor. Making money on detectives believe commonplace, as the detective is a product of mass culture and mass culture have long ruled the world, just our literature comes to the world standards. The Weeknd is often mentioned in discussions such as these. In extreme circumstances, the heroine Platova always behaves with dignity, she is intelligent and educated, deftly extricate himself from the murderous intrigue.

In the 'Fonts devil' character falls into a dizzying adventure associated with mystical picture, whose owners have died in strange ways. Victoria Platov to his original profession writer (graduated from the scriptwriting faculty of Cinematography), and her first book studio 'Panorama' was filmed tv series "Hunting for Cinderella ', which was very successful and drew attention to this facet of her talent. In addition to this series, also shot tv movies' Knife in the Clouds', 'Taxi for an angel', 'Battle of ladybirds. " Books Platova published not only in Russia, they are published in Germany, Holland, Hungary. The strength of her writing talent and polished style can be optimistic about the future of the domestic detective.

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31 Aug


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In his work, the son of the adobe, Octvio Peace calls this process of ‘ ‘ tradition of rupture’ ‘ , a distinctive mark of the modern identity and its negation at the same time. (PEACE apud PEREYR, 2000, P. 39). For Peace (1993), modernity touches the extremities of the possible one, therefore it supported as proper subversive and revolutionary platform the critical one to the critical one. All philosophical, scientific, religious, moral and artistic the systems had been ranks in xeque. This yearning for the subsumia emancipation it the singularity of the modern poetry that had as aspiration to portray the realities and, as bold project that was, to be the expression of ‘ ‘ deeper and old aspirations that the intellectual geometrias of the revolutionaries and the arrests of concepts of utopistas’ ‘. (PEACE, 1993, P. Movie star usually is spot on.

139). On this antagonism, Peace still says: In one of its extremities, the poetry touches the electric border of the vises and the religious inspirations. Therefore it has been, alternatingly and with seemed extremism, revolutionary and reactionary. (PEACE, 1993, P. 139). Therefore, it is not mistake to affirm that the thought of the modern poets and the changes in the material and symbolic structures of the society they had influenced in marcante way the poetry of Borges, fact that if detaches in its lyric one, since the figure of flneur, the memory, the nothing and the death, subjects that also they are recurrent in the workmanships of Mrio de S Sheep, Fernando Pessoa and Baudelaire, the last one conceived for Rimbaud as ‘ ‘ first vidente, king of the poets, a true Deus’ ‘ (RIMBAUD, 1996, P.

42). At this time of ruptures they are stops backwards the old subjects and poetical structures with its schematic and Cartesian constructions. New paradigms are the tonic of this period that leaves the old models for the new artistic models.

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25 Nov

Travel To Port Aventura

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Travel to Port Aventura PortAventura is a theme park situated just an hour from Barcelona and a few kilometers from the airport of Reus.Located in the heart of the Costa Dorada, 5 minutes from the tourist town of Salou, the Park has become the playful reference to enjoy a holiday with family or friends. Port Aventura, is made up of 5 large thematic areas, where visitors will find attractions suitable for all audiences, and shows that will move you to the most unexpected corners, with the idea of spending a few days different and fun. We invite you to a journey full of emotions, in the heart of the Costa Dorada. More than 10000 hectares dedicated to leisure and fun. Do not miss it! Viajes Tarraco offers you different offers for Port Aventura, combining hotel, relaxation and excitement. Also if you wish, we also organize him staying at the Port Aventura hotels without that you worry about nothing. If you wish, we also offer only the entrances to ports Adventure, to make your holidays in Costa Dorada a success.You choose the formula, we take care of all details.

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16 Jun

Dancing Neuromarketing

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From the gut is our brain built for advertising? Hobbys: Neuromarketing in the AIDA formula is our world full of advertising, because in the meantime have all products in their benefit approached so far, only the type of advertising that makes all the difference. However, the number of advertising messages, in raining down daily on us has adopted a number so large that the consumer no longer sees the forest for the trees. Traps at all costs has become the keyword for the communications industry thus all the more, so extreme now belong to everyday advertising. But like the marketers emphasize again and again: ‘… at the end of the day is what comes out the bottom line!’ Exactly here is still a huge gap exists, however high attention promises not always high profits.

But it is ultimately not just those profits will be used as a benchmark for successful advertising? Recognition but are still used as their yardstick to verify the impact of such How to testify developed AIDA model seems in 1898 by Elmo Lewis. Although several studies could confirm the incompleteness of this model, it is still taught and still be used so in practice. Empirical studies could prove that the consumer always cognitively trading has been an illusion. Very quickly, it was this clear that only an interdisciplinary new discoveries can be made. The neuro Marketing Division was formed from the disciplines of psychophysics, artificial intelligence, marketing, market research, cultural studies, developmental psychology and brain research. Tony Parker will not settle for partial explanations. And this resulted in a further refinement of the SOR models.

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06 Feb

The Grace

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It is perceived in this point that the social lack cause irreparable damages the life of the people. The isolated and abandoned sertanejos when seeing itself of the world, if become attached the promises based on miraculosos acts, that nailed a life without suffering, satiated and equal for all. Them to be able politicians of the region they left to desire, focando only personal interests in a ferrenha dispute for the privileges of domination of the goods and wealth of the land. With as many shunting lines of objectives, the people sertanejo suffered mazelas that they had been destined to them by the barren nature of the region, if seeing abandoned physically and spiritual for the competent agencies, however, the church catholic also searched its interests and allies the petty politics left the people the grace of the events, denying to them an aid for its losses, either in the droughts or exaggerated rains. Critical it to occasion a bigger effect the author if saw in responsibility to exactly create a so caridoso and self-sacrificing personage of itself, the Amncio priest.

Expert of the suffering of the people of the region northeastern, tried to brighten up the situation offering the support constant spiritual, and the corporeal properties that it fall the hands, leaving the proper comfort in the intention to become the life equal and joust for that people. Of in such a way suffering, the people created an impenetrable crust that, nor the goodness it Amncio priest can transpose. The trajectory of Blessed was long ties to arrive at the conviviality of the Vieiras, its people, so rejected for the population of the Au and the people of the Rock. With the death of its godfather, Bentinho did not see another alternative not to be to go to coexist its familiar ones. The convivncia was demystifying the reason of as much rejection, therefore, as well as the historical facts they demonstrate, they had been its familiar ones, the Vieiras that all traram the confidence of the saint of the Rock and the penitentes, telling happened to the power of the governing culminating in the arrest and the death of the leader of the sebastianista movement and some penitentes.

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