
Posts Tagged ‘internet’
20 Feb

How to Write News Articles

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Anyone who has ever worked with the media or has a blog or news column knows how dynamic, volatile and competition news world. By the time you finish reading before the end of this article, and hundreds of news collide with each another in the fight for the interest of Internet users. However, only tens to find their place in the news columns of the electronic and print media, and only very few will leave a vivid impression on people. One of the most important conditions of success for everyone who wants to be a news or article, or simply let the press release really "rang", is the creation of its bright and competent. Here are a few recommendations. Intrigue In order to get your press release attracted media attention to your company, products, services or web site, it must be attractive decorated, well-written and, moreover, stand out as something unusual. Further details can be found at Margaret Loesser Robinson, an internet resource. Registration There are several simple rules of design and structuring of press releases, which are shared by all professionals.

In short, informative, the content. Title is the most important part not only of good articles and advertisements Ads, and press releases. The headline should instantly make an impression on the reader, forcing him to become interested in the text. It is better to allocate more time to create a catchy title. Place and time where you the reader, from a region of Russia / the world came the information and when. Robert Bork pursues this goal as well.

For instance: Moscow, Russia – 01/03/2009 Easily print basic rule – choose a font that, at least, would not have prevented the perception of information, and in the best case would help him. For faxes optimal Sans-serif fonts (Arial) point size 12-14. To e-mail messages, you can choose a smaller size – 10-12. Brevity – the sister of talent, remember: it's better to write less. Release should take no longer than 1 page for the fax message, and preferably not more than 10 kilobytes, if you are sending news by email. Journalists and editors – the people are very busy, but if you are able to interest, they would get you "out of the ground" to get additional information. Obviously, the rescue frankly boring message, increasing its volume, it is impossible – on the contrary, can cause irritation. Avoid Avoid using jargon in a press release word-parasites and professional jargon. This press release very soon be in the trash. Here you need to shine a good literary language and to abandon the words requiring additional decoding.

Categories: News Tags:
30 Oct


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This system has the ability to customize the degree of compression, including image format JPEG, http and email traffic. Excluding other audio-visual and graphic elements, archive files, less traffic can be from 30 to 65 percent. But there is in this and similar systems, and a negative moment. Working through an additional server is a potential danger of losing confidential or proprietary information (usernames and passwords, credit card numbers and accounts). And the speed of the servers is still finite – at high loads sensation of braking in the speed of access. Similar opportunities and other services – ONSPEED.

It can work as a dial-up connection and GPRS. If we take into account only the text, compressed files, you can achieve significant savings and accelerating the transfer of traffic. Negative moments are similar to the previous service. The most famous among such services TrafficCompressor. Program TrafficCompressor running on your computer. It receives compressed data from a server, converts them to the original uncompressed format and transmit them to the web browser, email program or another program that has made a request to retrieve data from the Internet. Best compression is achieved by traffic on the pages, files and messages that are text-based format such as HTML or XML, as well as the rate of traffic on some online games (MMORPG). TrafficCompressor not able to compress EXE, ZIP, RAR, music and video files, pictures, and some other types of files. Broader functional program has MyProxy. On the one hand, this program works as a tool for compressing the received data (similar to previous programs).

Categories: News Tags:
07 Jul

WEB Style

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Style WEB 2.0 – the latest innovation in web design, and every web designer should know what are the characteristics of this style and how it can be applied to a particular site. This article is for those who want to know everything subtleties of this style. And do Sauvie sites unique in style and originality, and for whom the development of web-sites is the main profession. Some contend that movie star shows great expertise in this. So, here is the style WEB 2.0: The logo should clearly express the idea of the site, and be zapominayuschimsya.Prostoe good and clear menu. It must be distinguished from the rest of the content and stand out with color or shrifta.Shapka site should stand out clearly, and do not blend in with the rest of the site.

Must will be present with small details, but not too much or too colorful site, and the visitor's attention will be dissipated. 3D-effects, namely, some bulk items must be present at sayte.Nachalo paragraph to which attention should be paid, must be written in large print. This is a special publicity stunt, to impress upon the visitor a ideyu.Primenenie "effect of the polished table" when any element is mirrored on the surface. This site gives volume and color looks very interesno.Vydelenie sayta.Na separate areas of each page must be no more than three columns of text. In some cases, you can use two kolonki.Gradienty, the colors which should be low-key and transition smoothly from one to another. Especially effective would look next with solid elements. Create a site the company should not do without these elements, they provide a wonderful look of the site and preserve the style of the company. Use the style of Web 2.0 for your site or client's site, and then your site will be comply with modern trends.

Categories: News Tags: ,
15 Nov

Image Size

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This example – the perfect option when using screenshots from movies and cartoons. That is a subject that we will process is approximately the same location as in the previous frame. And now we need an application template 'Image Ready'. Run him. We will create a folder called 1 on the desktop. Copy this folder our pictures. Now Playing choose File => Import => Folder as Frames => Folder 1 on the desktop.

You can watch zero animation by clicking on the button below pley. There will be frequent blinking frames (frames). Click Stop, start working Since we want to make an avatar just our legs, and not just background, we need to get rid of all superfluous: select using a square selection (holding Shift) gray square on one of the frames. Next, select Image => Crop (Crop) – We got rid of the background! (Low quality images to save bandwidth) Now we want to get rid of the gray surroundings of our feet. Select 'Magic' eraser and make active the first frame (see the figure), then press the eraser against the gray background, gray background is now unavailable.

Same with the second frame. Do not forget to make it active. But we need not in fact arbitrary size? To proportionally resize just choose an avatar Image => Image Size => sizes like 64. Now make the animation smoother, select below the frames per second of delay (see middle figure), say 0.5 seconds each frame. At pley can see the result.

Categories: News Tags:
31 Jan

Pros Internet

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In the internet age, people began to live more quickly, the fact that earlier it was possible to spend a few day now done in minutes. For example a person wants to buy a car if he has no internet he would have to go on auto market, and if the nearest auto market is 150 miles from his house, the path does not close and not a fact that came to market he finds what he needs. And if the Internet at your fingertips, you can simply go to the site and ads for 30 minutes, view up to hundreds of offers to sell a car, plus photos and a car, another 30 minutes on something that would interest him ring up the proposal. The result for 1 hour on the spot without wasting money and energy on movement, one can find the desired information. The importance of the Internet these days can not be overstated, those who 'got into the network' Internet will not be able without it, so a lot of opportunities he gives us, so why not use them. Just give Internet enable a person to be heard, as each may be in various forums, social networks, etc.

express their opinions, share their thoughts and impressions. There are people who have difficulty communicating with people in real life, who is ashamed to say in a direct conversation, looking into the eyes of the man what he thinks someone is simply by virtue of its location difficult to find a companion who could support his conversation, but the Internet is such a person easily find like-minded people with whom it would be easy and pleasant to talk to. How much fun can be found on the Internet, this is another very important plus internet. A huge number of games, music, movies, photos. You can not leave home to travel the world to see all the fun, all the most beautiful and remote places on our planet. Of course to see live is much more interesting and impressions will be greater than view pictures, but not everyone has the opportunity to travel in the real world, and the Internet makes it possible to see almost everything, where man has gone before. I think the Internet is one of the most significant inventions human development in recent years and it has spread on the right and 'won' the whole world, he made our lives much more interesting and not easy.

Categories: News Tags: ,