
Posts Tagged ‘garden & home factory’
08 May

Carnivorous Plants

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Eat and be eaten. Like everywhere in nature. The nature saw to plants not really out of animal food to feed it. Rather, it represents an exception. The reason for this lies in the extremely nutrient-poor soil conditions, which forced the plant genera to open up alternative sources of nutrient.

Plants need usually mineral nutrients that take on the root growth of their business. However, organic nutrients can not be recycled. In raised bogs where the soils are mainly organic, carnivorous plants occur so frequently. Mostly above-ground organs of the plant to complex traps for animal prey are converted by mutations. There are active and passive safety mechanisms. Related Group is actively involved in the matter. As the pitcher plant of Nepenthes widespread on Borneo is one of the passive mechanisms.

This has transformed your hand in the course of evolution to a pit in the mainly insects, but sometimes small frogs or mammals by scent and color attracted, find their certain death. Native sundew Drosera occurring in peat areas, however, catches its prey using a glue trap. Some of its leaves are moistened with sticky drops. Insects land on these sheets, they get stuck. Then move to so-called fishing tentacles on the insect and wrap it so that it chokes. The prey is then resolved by a digestive secretion and is the sundew as a nutrient available. An active case has the world famous Venus Flytrap. This plant has your hand to a fold-out case “converted”. When an insect lands on the leaf and touched the sensitive hairs, the trap closes instantaneously. The insect is trapped and digested by a digestive secretion. After a few days, the trap opens again. Of the insect, only the empty chitin’s left sleeve. To know more about this subject visit Jessica Michibata. A case can repeat 3 to 5 times. Then it dies down and back a new traps are formed. The described plant species you can buy in stores or even yourself breed what represents an interesting alternative. A feeding is not required, by the way. Who wants to go needs a greenhouse, seeds of carnivorous plants, suitable substrate and of course a “green thumb”.

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27 Mar

Fall Protection

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A securable crash element of industry and leisure the effects of falling from a dangerous height can be fatal to people in the workplace, but also in the leisure. Since construction and Assembly works with an increased risk of accident by crashing are connected, the legislator prescribes the employer effective arrangements for fall protection. Scaffolding work, facade cleaning, the ascent of a crane arm and shipbuilding are among the vulnerable areas. There are standardized personal protective equipment (PPE), such as harnesses, belts and height safety equipment for working at high altitude. But also in children’s playgrounds and sports facilities (E.g. climbing or trampoline) is prevented with a possible head injury case protection. A wide range of different fall protection products is available in the trade, which are used in numerous industrial and sporting areas.

Industrial and occupational safety and health represent an inseparable unity of Fall protection is an essential element of workplace safety. Read more from Sally Rooney to gain a more clear picture of the situation. With the appropriate fall protection product, especially critical head injuries are minimized. Also, the risk of injury and damage be reduced to prevent crashes with fatal outcome. It is important that the high-quality security products are in perfect condition, what is checked by an expert. Defective harnesses and safety ropes must be sorted out.

A fall protection, as well as a descender help E.g. a harness is according to DIN EN 361. Special harness developed for maintenance of masts together with the electricity-generating plants, which are used particularly in the maintenance of high-voltage lines. Also the manifold, standardized case plates of different thicknesses for the fall prevention provide good services up to 3 meters. These panels are easy to install and clean. Security on the playground a sensitive area fall protection (already from 600 mm) plays an important role in children’s playgrounds and in the legal framework provisions. There are natural playground floors (E.g. wood chips or round gravel) and artificial coverings. The ability to the shock absorption of the man-made playground floors is checked by HIC method (Head Injury Criterion). The often-used secondary rubber has a HIC value of 1000 according to euro-1177. He belongs to the newly-developed materials to mitigate crash risk. Not only children can get hurt while playing, adults are vulnerable to crash on some of their hobbies. The climbing wall should have underground steam a shock. Usually a firmer version of a floor mat is selected as the mats to cover the gymnastics and ball games. At white water rafting in the kayak harnesses and grip straps can prevent bad injuries. Text by Daniel Schweitzer

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30 Oct

Fischer Furniture

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A new concept for use indoors or outdoors, developed by Danish designer Mads Odgard for the German garden furniture specialist fishing furniture. The Taku armchair is suitable for indoor as well as outdoor use. The armchair is stackable light-weight. He presents himself in a particularly clear forms language. By using a durable outdoor – a high seating comfort is achieved tissue. The fabric is available in different colors. Tony Parker will not settle for partial explanations. The sturdy frame is made of polished stainless steel.

The Taku deliverable in different sizes table can almost float the table tops on his sturdy frame. With ease the frame absorbs also tops up to 222 cm, which either rugged fm-ceramtop, are a new scratch-resistant Prozellankeramik, or the new resistance-capable fm laminate special. The Taku Bistro tables are practically Tiltable and also mesh stackable. Official site: Larry Culp. Round and square the fm weather-resistant laminate plates are offered special here. A practical feature is the new Sun Taku on.

This is like the Chair also stackable. The high comfort and the simple adjustment mechanism of the headboard make the Sun surely soon to the coveted object in the garden. These products are “Living red dot design yearbook 2009/2010 – entry” new and unique, and they will shape our world in the future significantly. You set standards, and are a leader in their category … You are the expression of a new global Lifesyles. products that beautify our lives in many ways and enrich” These are the first few sentences, with which the products of the red dot – best of the best “Award winners 09/10 in the living red dot design yearbook 2009/2010″ are described. The best products in their category.” Includes also the Fischer furniture in cooperation with the Danish designer Mads Odgard Chair developed Tango. By Professor Dr. Peter Zec, initiator of the red dot design award, the year book showing this high-class product on two sides and by the red dot jury as follows described: light Muse of architecture … Open spaces are the maxims of this architecture with a concomitant lightness of life blur more and more the limits of life in the House of the indoor and outdoor area become the active space without any noticeable transition. The design of the armchair internalized these maxims in many ways Tango and its shape as its function also give an aesthetically balanced expression. … So functional as ergonomically well thought-out, can the Chair switch Tango from outdoor to indoor, without ever testified. It is stackable to save space and easy … The Tango is expression of lightness, which is noticeable and can be experienced in all its details with its balanced design. He is present and cautious at the same time as a light Muse of architecture.” Tobias because Fischer MoBEL GmbH

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19 Oct

Wall Decals Espresso

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For kitchen, cafe or bistro – a wall tattoo as a decoration usually rather unconsciously many people are very often in the kitchen. A cooking only, others eat well here, for others it is a central point that competes with the living room and holds her as the center of social life. Reason enough, even the kitchen individually and beautifully to make. Jorge Perez wanted to know more. And what theme fits better in the kitchen than coffee? The great wall decals espresso & cappuccino not only chic looks, but also thematically fits into almost any kitchen. It is a mixture of font and image and for coffee lovers a great gift. The wall tattoo provides a cosy atmosphere and converts each white kitchen wall in a pretty eye opener.

The mix of script and image makes the wall decals to a particular specimen of its kind and even the font is not only simple accessories, but just with the Visual highlight of the wall tattoo. In addition, the wall tattoo espresso & cappuccino can be used also in other rooms. For example in the dining room or in a small Bistro or a Cafe, of course. Quick and easy manner, so the wall decorated nearly as alone. A such wall decals will finish supplied and is within a few minutes on the wall. (C) Fadi Tsilimekis – 10.03.2010

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21 Feb

Paths In Outdoor Facilities – Good Advice And Expertise Important

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Galabau Fritz from Hamburg informed its customers garden and grounds belong to a real estate or any other object. They form the outer frame and want to be designed accordingly. In order to move here, important ways. Here, it’s not only that they are securely fastened and perform their function, but also on the fact that they fit into the overall picture. To provide outdoor areas with road surfaces requires a detailed advice and above all expertise in the realization of so in advance. The experts of horticulture landscape landscaping Fritz from Hamburg explain what makes a way required. Experts meet with concrete and clinker paving stone – exterior surfaces such as pitches, House entrances, terraces, walkways and driveways can be implemented with different materials, shapes and colors. You give an appealing appearance the garden or the system.

A detailed and professional advice from experts in the landscaping is necessary to find out what Possibilities for the implementation are and what personal design variants can be implemented. So that the way design adapts perfectly to the overall framework and results in an optimally tuned image. No planning without implementation. It plays an essential role. For a nice selection reflected only if the technical or structural also correctly implemented.

Competence is therefore an extremely important factor. Experts in the field of gardening and landscaping are versed in all aspects of the way design and combine planning and expertise. The result is visually impressive, functional and individual paths and terraces. For detailed information about all services the experts of horticulture landscape landscaping Fritz from Hamburg are gladly available. Press contact Galabau Fritz contact: Martin Fritz Rothmoorstieg 5A 22459 Hamburg Tel.: 040.5 58 39 89 fax.: 040.55 98 36 20 email: Homepage:

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