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29 Aug

South America

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For the rescue plan, we need money, lots of money. But we haven’t. So we have to make more debt. How does the State debt? The State’s bonds out, so government bonds and German bunds, etc. He then sold the 70% on life insurance, the rest is private investors, some funds and us on the State itself. We buy the life insurance back private investors, including the State itself. Because we are so the State.

But now no more government bonds to buy life insurance, but sell them out of financial difficulties. The State gets no credit, the Life insurance companies and banks are no longer supported. After our money were burned so hundreds billion, end the insolvency of many institutes will be inevitable. And we lose investors twice. Once directly, if we must abandon our savings and another by the thrown out billions of tax.

And yet a third time by the emerging high inflation. The State already, so that my I, before all these rescue plans for bankers and car builders and before all these stimulus packages, so highly in debt, will be not to think of a repayment of the debt. On the contrary. New debt to pay the interest at all, must be included. The State is not only in debt, but de facto bankrupt. Each private commercial drive, of the one-man craftsmen to the global corporate group, would be required in this situation by law to the liquidation. He would get long no loans from the banks. Now I wonder: I would borrow an over-indebted person, a bankrupt company, money? My answer is clear. Why because in Jesus name, should I lend money to Governments and to buy its German bunds? Because a State is not broke? Far from. States have always been bankrupt. Most recently Iceland was and is so to speak right at our doorstep, and not about somewhere in Asia or South America. More States will follow. In addition the unofficial insolvency of a State in the sharply rising inflation can be seen, because just yet of the financial collapse can be averted. best current example is Zimbabwe.

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