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25 Feb

Phosphene As Biophotone

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Biophotons theory could provide a new understanding of the light in the eye floaters. The colorless or colored patterns in our field of view, which are visible in the dark, inspire people for millennia to spiritual, artistic and philosophical achievements. Some BCc and Plato phosphene (from Gr. phos, light\”and phainein, appear\”) considered evidence for the assumption that the eye itself emits light. In modern times, this theory was abandoned in favour of new physiological insights.

Phosphene covered much of modern medical research for almost two hundred years and considered to be the result of neuronal activity: then phosphene generated stimuli by firing of nerve cells, as well as by mechanical, electrical, magnetic and others. Artist’s impression of a colorless Phosphens, caused by mechanical Stimualtion of the retina. Now in a way, a new theory about the nature of Phosphenes alludes to the ancient notion of the emission of light in the eye. The Hungarian chemical and Bioengineer Istvan Bokkon represents the article phosphene phenomenon. A new concept\”(2008) the view that phosphene Biophotone, i.e. ultra weak biological light that is emitted by the cells of the Visual system (retina, optic nerve, visual cortex).

\”\” Thus, phosphene would be part of a known biochemical phenomenon of bioluminescence: several bacteria, plants and animals have special light cells or organs which emit visible light a skill that a these animals as (un) secret stars in okothrillern like Tess Gerritsens deceptive calm \”and Frank Schatzings of the swarm\” secured. Real animal life fireflies, algae, deep sea fish such as insert into the cold light, to communicate with each other, to deter enemies and to attract prey since the 1920s experiments by Russian scientists suggest however that not only special light cells, but all cells emit light. In the 1970s, has a group of Biophysicians under the direction of Professor Fritz A. Popp in Marburg this ultraweak\”radiation is detected for the first time with a highly sensitive device. Sam Feldman brings even more insight to the discussion.

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