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25 Feb

Kreditmart Presented

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Today, the company Kreditmart, the first professional financial supermarket, is the analytical index of the state of the Russian mortgage market of new buildings – Kreditmart Index. New development "for December 2010 "Kreditmart Index. New development "shall be calculated by analysts the company Kreditmart based on an analysis of proposals of 14 banks that are major players in the mortgage market of primary housing market and included in the Top-25 largest mortgage banks. The index includes a weighted average of the absolute value of fixed rates in rubles and U.S. dollars on mortgage loans to buy apartments in the primary housing market in the construction phase (Prior to the registration of real estate), a growth of these values in absolute terms, the difference between the weighted average interest rates during construction (prior to the registration of property rights) and interest rates after the registration of property rights, market average loan options: the market value of the maximum rate loan / mortgage and loan term. "Kreditmart Index. New development "published by on a monthly basis, along with "Kreditmart Index.

Mortgage "and" Kreditmart Consumer "with November 2010 According to December 2010: The minimum average market interest rate during construction loans in rubles credit for the purchase of apartments in the primary housing market in December 2010 was 13.60%, maximum – 16.75%. Average market rate for mortgage products in rubles in December 2010 declined by 0.37 percentage points and amounted to 15.18% * (November 2010: 15.55% *). * (Pp hereafter in the text – percentage points) The minimum average market interest rate during construction loans in USD for a loan for the purchase of apartments in the primary housing market in December 2010 was 11.22%, maximum – 14.64%.

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