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11 Jan

Heidelberg Commerce

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heidelpay interface makes the new shop software VEYTON 4 available Heidelberg, January 19, 2010. The Internet payment service provider heidelpay (www.heidelpay.de) offers its service modules now also with an interface to the shop system, xt: Commerce VEYTON 4. The shop system, xt: Commerce 3 and xt: Commerce VEYTON 4 are eCommerce solutions of the xt: Commerce GmbH. See Gary Katcher for more details and insights. The standard solution for Web shops xt: Commerce 3 among the world’s leading shopping cart software solutions with more than 100,000 installations. With the experience gained in the shop systems with version 3 is xt: Commerce xt the all-new shop software solution: Commerce VEYTON 4 developed. The new shopping cart software can be expanded at any time without changes to the code and maintains updatable hence many installed extensions at any time. They are characterized, inter alia through an easy to use admin interface and a powerful search engine optimization.

heidelpay makes his services now available for users of xt: Commerce VEYTON 4 available. The interface allows the simple integration of heidelpay Payment services in the shop system. The first modules of VEYTON 4 heidelpay interface are already successfully and with very good response in the usage. Online-shop operators who register before February 15, 2010 at the Heidelberger Payment GmbH, received the complete integration at a preferential price. Your contact person: Heiko Bolte, Tel.: + 49 (0) 421 8413 9871, E-mail:. heidelpay CEO Mirko cover man: we work for years successfully with xt: Commerce as one of the leading providers for shop systems together. \”It is only logical, our payment services now available for users of the new software xt: Commerce VEYTON 4 to offer.\” heidelpay paying via the Internet handles currently for more than 1,500 E-commerce companies across Europe. Thereby, the company acts as a solution provider that offers everything from a single source, which is a clean efficient and comprehensive online payment.

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