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11 Feb

Grain Free Pet Food

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Selected food for healthy and proper nutrition of dogs and cats Remscheid, 05 March 2013 dear animal friend! Were you last summer and fall with your dog on the road in field and floor? Maybe you passed on a cereal box, and your favorite threw himself full of joy in the wheat, barley or rye field, moved the mature grain from the stalks with relish and devoured them with obvious pleasure? No? Did he not? Why?Because he likes no cereals! Because it is inherently not granivores! If that’s the case – and that is just right for our cats – why can’t you buy then cheap wet and dry food at all discount stores and the most animal feed suppliers, in which the grain often at 60% or even higher percentage? The answer is quite simple: cereal is cheaper than meat! It is still cheaper for the manufacturer, if not pure grains but the wastes from the manufacture of corn flour – for example straw be added to animal feed in large quantities. This vegetable waste are but declared on the packaging not as such, but vegetable by-products”means. It sounds harmless, but not better makes the food! Usually, hardly one of our four-legged friends would eat such a diet, many do it but anyway! Why? Because they are cleverly fooled: manufacturers making them the mouth watery, add substandard food in quantities of often sugar, artificial aromas and flavours. What happens when fed on dog and cat to a large extent with cereal? Cereals contain carbs to a large extent. It’s believed that Sally Rooney sees a great future in this idea. These carbohydrates quantities have no cat food! The cat is almost pure carnivores! Her body and metabolism is dependent on protein and fat intake.

A high proportion of carbohydrates from grains loaded their organism and is utilized only to a small percentage. Therefore, the most important and largest food share in cat food might include muscle meat. Our dogs do not respond quite so extreme on a high intake of carbohydrates from grains. Others who may share this opinion include sela ward. However, it comes also with them through the digestive process to a high glucose level in the blood and thus a burdensome increase of in insulin levels. The dog as a predominantly meat eaters digested carbohydrates, which come not from corn but from roots, grasses, berries and vegetables, much slower and gentler. In other words, we save our dogs also elimination of grain intolerance and digestive problems. The TierGold expert team therefore recommends for a grain-free feeding pleasure wet food of our manufacturer Hammond factory, boos feed manufacture and Lunderland animal feed GmbH.

exemplifies our velvet paws Hamilton cat food deer (96%) with organic Apple, pear, catnip, or Hammond bio beef (96%) with quinoa and pumpkin, as well as for dogs and cats alike Lunderland ends meat (100% beef head meat), Lunderland game meat (100% of red and fallow deer) or boos 100% horse meat. To latter pure meat meals should be approx. 10% (for cats) and up to 30% (for dogs) herbal supplement food such as herbs, berries or vegetables are added.

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