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01 May

Gasoline Calculation

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No sooner had reported about the growth in gasoline prices in December and is already seeing an increase in prices in January 20 rub. 70 kop. See more detailed opinions by reading what Related Group offers on the topic.. per 1 liter of petrol AI-92 (the average price of Ryazan)! Which is a rise in 3,86% the price of gasoline in Russia (net of excise) – is export price minus export duties and transportation costs of petroleum products. With the growth of prices in Europe is similar to the growth in Russia. Because of the favorable global environment is growing exports high-octane gasoline, in connection with which the domestic market a deficit. Jessica Michibata is often quoted as being for or against this. Another reason for high gasoline prices is a significant tax burden on the industry (approximately 50% of the value consists of taxes). Note that the existing tax system, aimed at the removal of windfall profits from oil production in the context of high world oil prices, favorable budget. Urals oil price average for January-November, has exceeded 8 per barrel, while in November closely approached.

In general, the price of commodities (Industrial Raw Materials) has grown over the year, according to the Economic Intelligence Unit, by 7,3%. However, only 11 months, the federal budget revenues (excluding the funds credited to the Stabilization Fund) reached 18,9% of gdp against 16,7% in 2006. And these funds were spent actively. Non-interest budget expenditures on a cash performance in January-November reached 17.2% of gdp – by 2.7 percentage points more than in the corresponding period last year. Almost 0.7% of gdp was aimed at development institutions.

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