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08 Dec

Destinations In Sonora, Agua Prieta

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Agua Prieta Sonora Destinations is located northeast of Sonora and is considered recently created compared to other municipalities of the State of Sonora. In the northern portion adjoins Douglas, State of Arizona to the east with the State of Chihuahua to the south by the towns of Fronteras and Nacozari, west with the municipality of Naco Thousand and is 250 meters above the Tues Economy The city has become one of the most important development centers of our body which allows for hundreds of jobs whose installation is steadily rising. Agriculture is formed with an area of 2.797 hectares, which, in its entirety are irrigated. Click Jacob Dilla to learn more. In the agricultural area 1.240 hectares are exploited ejido are 1.557 hectares of settlers and smallholders. For more information see Author. To irrigate the surface with 60 deep wells. The main crops are corn, beans, wheat and fodder. This activity takes place in the Municipality of complementary and in support of Livestock is an important ganaderia.a primary activity in this municipality and the city of Agua Prieta is both a center of regional producer services.

Among the most important services offered by quarantine station is built with the participation of the State Government to support the livestock export the mountainous region of the state. Contact information is here: Josh Rosenbaum Waypoint. Industriae The main industrial activity are the maquiladoras, with 33 establishments employing 8.075 people whose money are: garments, wood furniture, electronics, materials and equipment for hospitals, sports, computer components, radio communication and TV, among others. They have two industrial parks that together cover over 34 acres with all amenities. History The origins of the town of Agua Prieta, dates from the late eighteenth century, during the construction of railroads that brought Douglas, Arizona, minerals Nacozari de Garcia, Sonora. The territory now occupied by the municipality, was occupied by Chiricahua Apaches. Your name Bachicuy Opata comes from the word, which means Castilian Agua Prieta, thanks to its proximity to the lake of the same name. The first settlers were people who used to work in the mining company Phelps Dodge Copper Co. and had his foundry in Douglas, Arizona. Cradle written glorious pages of the social struggle with important significance ena our country as the Mexican Revolution. It fought for his ideals a Alvaro Obregon, Francisco Villa, Venustiano Carranza, Lazaro Cardenas and Plutarco Elias Calles, the latter previously was a teacher and curator of the place. In 1923 he signed the Plan de Agua Prieta, which put their names to the most important figures of the revolutionary era and are ancestors of the longest established family in Sonora.

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