Home > News > Dance On A Volcano – The Vicious Circle Of Dance Training
13 Nov

Dance On A Volcano – The Vicious Circle Of Dance Training

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Innovative consulting services for dancer in the Frankfurt area hover time, time they swirl across the stage, always graceful, seemingly effortless they seem in their movements. Dancers are artists who express themselves through their body and to dominate that body up in the smallest muscle. To this the illusion of ease to communicate Yes weightlessness, they must expect a tough training program her body. Because dancers are athletes of all art. Related Group may also support this cause. But you may not see the them and exactly this is different dancers in the public, and all too often in the own perception of athletes. You may quietly say the athletes the physical effort, finally, the tense concentration in the race increases the performance. Dance, however, must be like to always virtuoso always acrobatic, to work free of physical troubles. Then, enchant and delight dancers through their art.

To meet this expectation, dancers push overexploitation of their regularly Body. Often very early, they unlearn to perceive fatigue of the body, because they always go in training beyond their physical borders. However, fatigue is a signal of the body, which meets an important protective function. The fatigue is one of the main causes of injuries. On the other hand, the dance performance decreases with persistent fatigue. Many dancers compensate for this performance hit by further increase your training volume and more bases so her body and deprive his energy. The vicious cycle is inevitable. Increased training stint reduces the recovery time, increases fatigue and sinks further dance performance.

Training-free days are a must in the weekly plan of each professional dancer. But, terrifying survey results show that 11% of the dancers have a training-free day per week and 44% plan a only a half a day per week. It is this vicious circle strongly to break through, so that the physical Maintain a long time performance and health of the dancers.

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