Centre Club
Designated areas for informal youth party, either. But with the bases rehearsal for the musicians easier and more interesting than the Thule. For many years, the musicians rehearse at the Centre for Children’s Art (CDT), City Palace of Culture. Also, there are still rap. base, but their life – a – a maximum of 2 groups. In the year 2003.
Administration Shchekino area went to meet the creative youth of the city and made a gift in the form of sets of amplification equipment for the creation of Rock Club. Rock Club Schekino – this is not a club in the general sense, the movement of creative informal youth. Base Rock Club is located on the territory of a municipal agency of the Youth Center ‘WORLD’ (g.Schekino, Lenin Str., 50). Rock Club, in addition to providing rehearsal time to time: – organizes concerts (every 2 weeks) on which the act of the Tula region (mainly Shchekinsky and Tula), as well as groups from neighboring regions and Moscow (where possible) – organizes and conducts rock festivals, as well as acting as a co-sponsor – organizes and conducts a variety of entertainment / funny event (next year – AkvaparkDetmach. Locations – evening the streets of the city) in the conventional forms of musical creativity population Shchekino District difficult to find some innovation. As in any provincial city in Russia, the cultural life is concentrated in the municipal cultural institutions: the City Palace of Culture, music schools, the Center for Children’s Creativity. In These institutions regularly hosts concerts. During the holidays (City Day, the Day of the chemist, May 9, New Year’s Eve and so on) concerts are held at the Central Square of the city with the participation of local initiative.
On largest festivals (mostly anniversaries), local authorities are trying to invite pop celebrities, which is welcome by most of the local population. Clubs Clubs in Schekino Schekino little. The most popular of them – a nightclub ‘Metro’ (Schekino st. Pobedy, 16, Input: 30 – 150r). By most accounts, it was in the club ‘Metro’ is going to the most progressive youth Schekino swirling. Music that sounds in this club – a very diverse: R’n’B, club hits, world hits, as well as the music 80 – 90 in the performance of ‘locomotive’. Conducted club parties – the club ‘Metro’ tends to be an advanced institution! ‘Falcon’ (Shchekino, Sovetskaya str. 27) – and the club, a former movie theater. On the ground floor there is a restaurant on the second – the dance floor. Classic provincial club: working DJs, sometimes coming ‘stars’, it is sometimes good live music. The only thing I want to add on the club – is that the metamorphosis of the institutions completely unpredictable …