
Archive for April, 2019
06 Apr

Federal President Horst Kohler Receives Draft Constitution

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Grassroots democracy: Federal President Kohler dedicated Munich lawyer receives a draft Constitution for the new German Constitution Berlin / Munich. Democracy once quite different: on May 23, 2008, the Munich lawyer Helmut Krause wants to convey the draft of a Constitution for the new German Constitution the Federal President. Krause breaks to a path that is anything but conventional. Krause: Germany wide is whined and complained that one must do something. The situation in Germany is unfortunately not as rosy as it is propagated by various political sites of interest like. This becomes more apparent. Last but not least, the current poverty and wealth report shows where the current way in Germany leads. For very different, people-economic reasons that into it to play in the national and international security policy, system changes must come very soon.

I belong to any party and have written over a year ago on the flag, to do with my humble ways a first, small step for Germany. And the result is my draft of a new German Constitution.” The idea of a new German Constitution is not entirely new. At the time of German reunification 1989/1990 the leading parties in Germany have discussed internally violently this topic. The reasons that prompted the established parties, not for the article 146 provided constitutional referendum to use Basic Law, are still in the dark and can be explained only with the interest of the political class to the undisturbed maintaining of their power. Krause: The design for the new German Constitution was not completely rewritten, best article of the present Constitution were precisely said the basic law adopted and extended by proposals already in the discussion. I’m assuming that the draft of the Constitution the discussion on the still-pending constitutional referendum in accordance with article 146 basic law revive is.” Is to hear from the usually well-informed circles, Krause ‘ activities from political side rather suspiciously observed.

Remembering so far unrealised constitutional referendum represents something of a taboo in Germany. Still no way passes a constitutional referendum in May 2009,”Krause performs without a slightest self doubt, because only living democracy is vibrant democracy and trend-setting. “V.i.S.d.P. Helmut p. Krause lawyer and lawyer specializing in labour law 29 spring road 82178 Puchheim b. Munich phone (089) 123 87 54 fax (089) 123 87 58 E-Mail: Web: project plan of the Constitution workshop: forum/forumdisplay.php? fid = 8”

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