25 Nov
Made a film director Nora Ephron, a recognized master romantic comedies, whose track record is such classic films as "When Harry Met Sally, Sleepless in Seattle" and "You've Got Mail." But this time it is not about finding love, but about finding yourself. Literary The film is a book of memoirs, Julie Powell, "Julie and Julia: 524 recipes for 365 days." Basically, that's the whole story itself. The film tells the story of two women: Julia Child, who wrote a book about French cuisine, and Julie Powell, prepare all dishes from there and wrote about it in his blog. Julia Child, lady, are the epitome of optimism, Meryl Streep played and played, as always, superb. In general, the right is my girlfriend, who after leaving the cinema said the film with Meryl Streep – a separate genre of movie, which is filled with some special light and mood. Julia Child is married, she is happy and in love in France, where she lives with her husband (American diplomat) in 40-50 the last century. French cuisine has become her true passion and the old lady enthusiastically accepts the invitation to co-authored a book on French cooking for American housewives. Julie Powell, too, is married (her husband – Editor), lives in the U.S., employs an operator center of social protection (or as it's called?) and dreams of becoming a writer (written have polromana!). She played an incredibly charming Amy Adams, known as the audience Princess Giselle from the movie-animated film "Enchanted." After the interview, this one of his successful career girl, in which Julie derived a failure, the heroine decides to start a blog.
15 Nov
This example – the perfect option when using screenshots from movies and cartoons. That is a subject that we will process is approximately the same location as in the previous frame. And now we need an application template 'Image Ready'. Run him. We will create a folder called 1 on the desktop. Copy this folder our pictures. Now Playing choose File => Import => Folder as Frames => Folder 1 on the desktop.
You can watch zero animation by clicking on the button below pley. There will be frequent blinking frames (frames). Click Stop, start working Since we want to make an avatar just our legs, and not just background, we need to get rid of all superfluous: select using a square selection (holding Shift) gray square on one of the frames. Next, select Image => Crop (Crop) – We got rid of the background! (Low quality images to save bandwidth) Now we want to get rid of the gray surroundings of our feet. Select 'Magic' eraser and make active the first frame (see the figure), then press the eraser against the gray background, gray background is now unavailable.
Same with the second frame. Do not forget to make it active. But we need not in fact arbitrary size? To proportionally resize just choose an avatar Image => Image Size => sizes like 64. Now make the animation smoother, select below the frames per second of delay (see middle figure), say 0.5 seconds each frame. At pley can see the result.
01 Nov
Non-compliance with this rule can lead to serious consequences. How do I find a good telemastera.Dlya that there are a few tips: – normal tv technician never gives guarantee for 1 year, more so on the whole tv, but honestly is responsible for their work. Masters of giving a guarantee for a year, you can not find a week later, with what I have not once encountered. Terms of the guarantees established "Rules consumer services in Ukraine, has not been canceled: it is 1 month for television, refurbished on-site and 3 months for television, refurbished in a stationary shop. – Normal tv technician Specializing only in the repair of televisions.
Not nothing worse than a "jack of all trades". Typically, this wizard can not really fix anything, for what it takes. – Normal tv technician never take money upfront, or only In exceptional cases, if you want to buy an expensive item, while leaving a receipt. – A normal tv technician for a suitcase with the tools – too heavy. – Normal tv technician will never send the owner of the tv the market for parts, or circuit, if you encounter such a video technician, try to let him go anyway, because of such repairs is nothing good will come out.
– Price of a good video technician correspond to the average level. He does not take superfluous, but also appreciates his work. How to connect your tv to kompyuteru.Esli you want to watch movies in DivX or dvd on the big screen can be used for this purpose television.