
Archive for May, 2011
31 May

Some Tips When Hosting

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When you're thinking about starting your first online project, either a website or blog you can have many questions, start with the basics, and then the other things to consider, to begin need to select a theme that you like to develop the project at home and not get tired is something very important, once you decided that, we will select a domain, preferably related to the topic, as you may have a keyword and is easy to remember, I recommend that you seek someone who service provides domain registration, another important detail is the platform for either blog as wordpress or joomla for portals or need one, do not overlook these points and be patient in finding a web host that is adapted to your needs, it is preferable have an adequate plan and a good service technician to use a free without any kind of support and in some cases with invasive advertising, later you will consider hiring dedicated servers but go step by step. Note that if you choose both joomla wordpress as many free resources available as templates or plugins (in the case of components joomla too) that will facilitate the work if you know anything or else you'll find professionals that can provide you with these services, and both are optimized for SEO and do not present serious problems when to position your site to have visits from search engines. But despite these details you should consider what you want from your site above all things, an online store, a blog, personal site or a portfolio to show your work to specific customers.

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25 May


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LOGIC TRENDS projects lives, before lives, they were compact clusters of information, consisting of energy trends similar to trends in the expansive essences. Philosophical logic tests that I will try to show in this paragraph. What contained the lives before being lives, when they were a non-physical projects lives?: They contained clusters of information, trends were concentrated, were energy information, were clusters of inductions, were as expansive essences (something that is not material that does not exist but has a number of trends that makes it something that is not detected, but there was something lacking as a cluster of trends). The trends that have the mental evolution of life are similar to the trends that have expansive essences, which are not detectable because they are clusters of trends or inductions. Trends in life are similar to the trends of the essences expansive because life arose or was an induction or induced by the expansion trend.

Read the following examples: 1 These draft lives tend to the union, or attraction, as well as the essences shock (see the section of this book entitled "everything tends to unity" in the exposed and all of the same species tend to unified). 2 These draft lives tend to movement, expansive dynamism, as well as expansive essences. 3 These draft lives tend to evolution, as well as expansive essence, which when expanded die or disappear through attrition, in favor of other essences that are born with the same trends and copied by induction information from the old core to continue continually renewed with the same evolutionary process in which multiply more essences essences renovated.

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22 May

In Philadelphia

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Presented? What do you do – take a piece of paper and pen or open the program Word And in my head is empty, the vacuum Familiar? Although last night when you go to bed, in your head have experienced this great Association, words with no problems evolved into sentences, and in the head occurred real picture, the benefits that will be your subscribers will examine your training course. Where did all this had happened in the morning? Where the ease of phrases and improvisation, along with humor? I am sure that with such a 'small stuff' facing a very Many site owners and senior newsletters. It turns out that there is a very simple and reliable way, how quickly to engage in such work. And this process takes just a couple of minutes. Heard a word – Furious? Usually this the word is used in relation to the engines on an airplane, when sharply increased thrust of the engine. It turns out that this is true for the brain, can also dramatically increase its thrust. Read carefully about the Treasure of the brain, sure you need it. Simply and quickly.

And the last 'detail' for today. In Philadelphia, a city in the U.S., there is a music school. Those children are taught to 4 – 5 years to play the violin. Want to know how the first lesson looks at this school? All – children, parents, teachers, festively dressed, going to the school hall. Children with a violin and bow in his hands raised to the scene. (This is the first lesson.) When a child reaches the middle of the stage, he turned and bowed.

All public applauding, whistling and shouting 'Bravo'. After this the child leaves the stage and sits in its place. And that's all. The first lesson is over. # Get rid of the fear of public speaking, so this is called 'fines' way, according to surveys of psychologists among adults, the fear of public speaking is in second place, after the fear of death. Is not this an occasion to reflect on such 'trifles', and most importantly time to deal with them. In our life there is no 'little things', because failure of one thing – this 'small thing', which has successfully managed other successful people!

19 May

Creating An Interesting Site

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Make the site quite easily about how to make a site easy to find on the Internet. And here's how to create a site interesting, not only you but also all the visitors of your site, little or no information at all. That the site was successful and lasted long enough, and perhaps even indefinitely, it should be interesting and relevant at all times. We are not talking about sites to promote the company and to earn money, although interesting and widely visited site You can also earn. The site should be eye-catching, bright, not bothersome, including one gray mass, which after a visit does not want to come back.

Your site must have a zest (because even a loaf, if it with raisins, it tastes better). Information site in any way boring where you can communicate, but it also can be useful for people, and for this it should contain not enough (to be truly information) information, data about something (or about all, if your website – Encyclopedia), and information must be accurate and updated and replenished. Site devoted to specific topics should be: to gather as many interested visitors and provide them with communication the maximum (sharing photos, music, videos, files, etc.), convenient and understandable interface, provide interesting information for discussion, more useful information on a topic that is to provide all that themselves would like to see on the site, whether the visitor. It is also important to create a lot on the site a friendly atmosphere that would not want to leave. For music lovers – this club, disco, lights, for collectors – a museum for GAMERov – is a virtual world of games, for hunter – this is nature, forest, or shop, armory. The main thing that the site was not alone, there would be no time to be bored (on every page that a new and exciting, or even a joke in the topic) and that the site is constantly updated and replenished. Need a lot of attention to the fact that it is convenient if a visitor something to read, do not bother whether the banners, ads, links, and then the visitor will not only return to your site, and will go all the time, replenish your forum answers, interesting topics and issues, and even, perhaps, tell a friend, and he – my friend and so on. Yes, if your site will live happily ever after!

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